in forexfactory i saw it is scam,however find itHi guys someone know this expert of Jacob larson? Many say they are having profits, others say it is a scam. Enlighten me!
not profitable and take long timeHi. Please BT this EA. EU, PERIOD_D1 depo 100 or more. What about slippage?
sorry it takes long timegambling ea
Hi Malinda, Could you help BT EU and Usdchf for atleast 2yrs please with same set.
can't BTHi Malinda, Could you help BT EU and Usdchf for atleast 2yrs please with same set.
hello, thank you,i started this service because of brekz1 stop his service (
pls try to post New EA with following Rules,
1) Post here your EA
2) Time Frame
3) which pairs
4) Every result i post here with backtesting data
Please BT this TF 5Hi appreciate if could test this ea with the dropdown option SELL only..
i started this service because of brekz1 stop his service (
pls try to post New EA with following Rules,
1) Post here your EA
2) Time Frame
3) which pairs
4) Every result i post here with backtesting data