What I meant is the combination of 4 or 5 pairsExpert can to trade from 1 ring to 56 rings.
see the attachment please
What I meant is the combination of 4 or 5 pairsExpert can to trade from 1 ring to 56 rings.
GreatI have try long time to make correlation system (from 3 to 8 pairs) to working base FPI.
But I not have way to make it profitable with 3 or 4 or 5.... 8 pairs.
I have only to many orders.....
1332 orders ?Today I have finished the new version.
I am testing to see if have bug....
The best person to give this information is the creator of the programAlecksey
What do think best paires to low DD and Good Profit ?
Thanks alot But when use the geometrical lot i think thes more risk whith more lots .The best person to give this information is the creator of the program
I'll give my personal opinion, okay?
I have had good results with pairs 1 and 3 in broker ICMarkets
The creator's recommendation is in spares 3 and 4 that are also doing well on ICmarkets and FBS
For every $ 1000 I recommend in just 1 pair
For a more conservative 2000 account with only 2 pair
My concern is with the amount of orders
You can choose geometrical lot to decrease this
Or open 2 separate accounts to have more slack in the amount of lots
The creator of the program recommends 2000 with 2 pairs (if I'm not mistaken)
I particularly like something more conservative.
The setup can use page 10 that our friend Lucas is using in the real account
The only thing I would change would be the risk factor from 0.5 to 0.25 (more conservative)
But I suggest you take page 10 onwards and read everything carefully
Note: I left some good programs here in the forum today too.
Depends on your referentialThanks alot But when use the geometrical lot i think thes more risk whith more lots .
The best person to give this information is the creator of the program
I'll give my personal opinion, okay?
I have had good results with pairs 1 and 3 in broker ICMarkets
The creator's recommendation is in spares 3 and 4 that are also doing well on ICmarkets and FBS
For every $ 1000 I recommend in just 1 pair
For a more conservative 2000 account with only 2 pair
My concern is with the amount of orders
You can choose geometrical lot to decrease this
Or open 2 separate accounts to have more slack in the amount of lots
The creator of the program recommends 2000 with 2 pairs (if I'm not mistaken)
I particularly like something more conservative.
The setup can use page 10 that our friend Lucas is using in the real account
The only thing I would change would be the risk factor from 0.5 to 0.25 (more conservative)
But I suggest you take page 10 onwards and read everything carefully
Note: I left some good programs here in the forum today too.
Maybe I have not detailed correctlyAlecksey, I don't know if there is a confusion but, for me the most important parameter to control de quantity of opened orders is the StepOpenNextOrders, together with its complementary mode StepOrdersProgress (Statical, Geometrical and Exponential Step).
I became confused when you have mentioned that choosing Geometrical Lot (which is an option of the LotOrdersProgress parameter) may decrease the quantity of orders.
I understood the confusion, heheAlecksey, I don't know if there is a confusion but, for me the most important parameter to control de quantity of opened orders is the StepOpenNextOrders, together with its complementary mode StepOrdersProgress (Statical, Geometrical and Exponential Step).
I became confused when you have mentioned that choosing Geometrical Lot (which is an option of the LotOrdersProgress parameter) may decrease the quantity of orders.
It is here page 10
@El Zorro
"Type of Progress Step" influence number of opened orders.
Statical is: 'Target Open Next Order (The value is $ per lot)' lf value is 50, for all next orders the step is 50.
Geometrical is: 'Target Open Next Order (The value is $ per lot)' if value is 50, for first next the step is 50, for second next 100, for third next 150, for fourth next 200 eg..
Exponential is: 'Target Open Next Order (The value is $ per lot)' if value is 50, for first next the step is 50, for second next 100, for third next 200, for fourth next 400 eg..
If we have a distance 1600 units,
with statical step 50 units, we have 20 points (like orders).
with geometrical step 50 units, we have 7.5 points (like orders).
with exponential step 50 units, we have 5.05 points (like orders).