recomended di broker yang regulasi bagus tapi ada delay harga ( langka )Recomended pakai broker apa dong om?? trus masternya bagusan di broker apa??
aealh, saxo klo di share trus login diluar ya yang dimari jadi kelogout lah, gak bisa buat doble login saxo tu -_-boleh di share gan login investor servernya (saxo, lmax, etc) ?
ane kesulitan register lmax dan saxo uda gak bisa register mt4 kalo new acc, harus pake platform saxo trader.
aealh, saxo klo di share trus login diluar ya yang dimari jadi kelogout lah, gak bisa buat doble login saxo tu -_-
How to get this result on real account? What brokers should be used?peforma
broker paperstone,How to get this result on real account? What brokers should be used?
Can you please show how to place master and server files inside windows tree?broker paperstone,
you need the super fast vps, round 1ms to client broker..
Can you please show how to place master and server files inside windows tree?
Paperstone is arbitrage eksekution and what broker should be arbitrage server ? Or vice versa?broker paperstone,
you need the super fast vps, round 1ms to client broker..
master:LMAXPaperstone is arbitrage eksekution and what broker should be arbitrage server ? Or vice versa?
Broker LMAX account should also be real or just demo account?master:LMAX