Walah tiwas mau nyobagreat share but it doesn't work anymore.... what a shame
Kalau saya sih belum gan, masih suka trading manual meski hasil tak selalu bagusapakah sudah ada yg coba setelah taun 2014 ini? karena saya anggap ea ini sudah mati dari taun 2014 karna sudah buat akun MC atau di banned....
bener gan, di atas kertas memang menguntungkan... tp ya kalau praktik nihil... kecuali broker nya jujurKalau saya sih belum gan, masih suka trading manual meski hasil tak selalu bagus
kalau sistem arbitrase ini keknya secara teori menguntungkan meski ambil profit kecil
Hello Tomy could you help me install the EA as I do?Ini setingnya
Hi Oliver, could you explain how this EA is? Where is it installed and which pair is used and its time frame?this EA is that version original free !!!!
I cannot find the forum about the Arbitrage EA from BJF as it seems to be deleted since this site here moved. I want to sell 2 licenses as I use only one. The EA is really good, you need to know the settings and the right broker and it works very nice. Check the statement. If you are interested, please send me a pm. Attached are the real results from yesterday FOMC.
bro got anything good?No u cant. U have to use other arbitrage ea
This is my review for this thread:
I get millions live with this EA!
You people missed a thing that cannot make you profit with this EA live and is under your very nose!
I use tickmill master and justforex as slave live!
No need of VPS!
View attachment 28972
no vps really how is this possible arbitrage need zero latency and fast computer how can you do this?This is my review for this thread:
I get millions live with this EA!
You people missed a thing that cannot make you profit with this EA live and is under your very nose!
I use tickmill master and justforex as slave live!
No need of VPS!
View attachment 28972