its work for me but not take any trade for up of week.after execute the Global tradastation ... it update it (if not goes to error) and changes to saxo bank software !
I think we must have update for DataFeed software too
where is the link ? in Author site ?
This is what I meant.The first step of this system , at Master platform (SAXO) works for me too , but it seems not working anything at Mt4 side , from data feeding (pairs) exe file
to taking position , perhaps needing updates for this file . IF it'd work , must take many position in a day at least , sure .
I follow all steps except the ping . the programmer recommanded 0 ms in ping but my ping in rdp betwen 16 to 30 ms . i will try with another faster rdpdid follow all steps recommended by progremmer like vps ,setting ,slow brokers...
Hello Mr Logan,Hi dear, Hope you pasted DLL file in Library folder !
If you are unable to install contact me and give me your Team Viewer ID . (if you don't have any issue)
I can't do anything more above this !
My contact details are available here-
Hi dear, you are right !Hello Mr Logan,
why you publish such old results from 2014 ???? Why not todays results? Thanks for doing it.
if you want i can show better results than live results today. Arb is still working. depends on where you look.
Fredrick, mine is a provocation...obvious!OKay. Show!!
Congratulation buddy ! you are on right track live results today. Arb is still working. depends on where you look.
Congratulation buddy ! you are on right track .....
Regards: Garv Lohan