see my live tickmill live account
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it's better to forgot this shit...Every people Here are scam about HFThow can i start atbitrage trading please? which platform to use as a Nigerian can someone elite me pls
You are so fucking stupid scammer, go play this game in other place. we are not freak like you .see my live tickmill live account
View attachment 63604
Look my live account
This running ea arbitrase.
Iam sorry not share EA because expensive or set EA but if you want copy trade its ok
Are u Italian...
Let me explain my experience with WP (Sergey) or any Arbitrary EA available on the market.
No Broker, I mean NO one will let you trade within 2/4 seconds open trades.
They will block immediately or worsen they will close your accounts accordantly and reporting you into their ‘interbank’ system. Meaning you won’t be able to open any further accounts with any other brokers around the World...Worst than a Mafia!
Last broker that I was able to Arb was Advanced Market in Boston (live account)!
They ‘Plugged-in’ mt4 now running by Fortex last Christmas...
Go figured. I spent endless $$$ with ‘FastMatch’ to get the fastest feed data (7,500) x month trading via Fix API..
Got Nothing....It was all worthless...
It’s a shame but unless you have 150 mill account with JP or better with Deutsche Bank you are indeed allowed to Arb or better make as much as you pleased such as 200/300% x day...using the latest technology such as FIX.API, TT score high speed HFT...
an inside info through my contacts of my previous business..
So long
Latency arbitrageInteresting what type of Arbitrage you are using, Latency Arbitrage (L - ARB), Lock Arbitrage, or Hedge Arbitrage
I believe one of the member (account now closed) replied about this issue in detail.
I concur the same quote as myself I have also purchased WP (westernpips) in the past. Arb, no matter what someone is saying in this thread, are banned.! My best friend he is the Director VP of one the biggest broker in London (which for obvious reason can’t be mention on this public forum)..
He told me personally that ‘they’ [the Brokers] have a sofisticate software to identify in a matter of a ns (nano second) your Arb EA... Arb Software when operating does trade within 2/3 seconds in order to provide profits. It also release a ‘decay traced’ not available to you. It’s like a ‘Foot Print’... that you are not aware of nor it can’t be deleted or detected by you!
It doesn’t matter how camouflage is your settings they will be alerted, soon or later.
Arb is like a fast scalper... The brokers are considering these trade ‘Toxic’ consequently your account will be close as mention from this member as I have quoted for your review.
All arb EA are good. The problem is broker itself. They has their own way to make u loss. Either they set slippage or banned your account. Thats how they won your money. Even westernpips still dont know which broker to give to their clients. And everybody keep accusing westernpips is a scam. LOL, they scam u in a different way. Manipulating words saying they have best EA, thats ok. But they did not provide suitable broker, and nobody ask them before buying it, thats where scam goesCAN YOU ALL GIVE ME THE BEST ARBITRAGE EA