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Suggestion Any profitable EA

KrakatoaV2XY.ex4 on m15 gbus
Krakatoa.ex4 on H1 gbus
despite bad backtest ,they are positive every single day
i am happy with that[/QU
GB m15, H1, H4
This is predicting future price with 2 old bars, mission impossible.
But is working,if not m15 will do H4.
Goal is to reduce drag , all indi are using way to much past bars on average 20 to30, are late ,DD is big
Try out demo which time frame.Never ever trust backtest.

how are you
how I can fix lot in this ea .
do have mq4 file for KrakatoaV2 or any v?
it is one of my own strategies I code, FREE and UNRESTRICTED for all. It used to be named RawIncome on the market but I have modified recently, ( no it is not monkeypips or a derivative )

Bottlom line you need a very good broker.

here is the writeup:

Raw Income is a breakout strategy that uses pending orders to catch quick movements in the market.
This strategy is typically a spike trader and is more active at high impact news.

  5. Others...

  • Comment
    The Trade Comment.
  • Magic
    1 = Magical Trading
  • Market Slippage
    The slippage in each order request.
  • Tick Filter
    A value of 2 means the pending orders are only adjusted every 2nd tick, higher values enable higher trading frequency and lower values allow better quality trading.
    Values: 1 - 5
  • Tick Samples
    The number of ticks used to calculate the average spread value.
    Values: 30 - 300
  • Trade Request Seconds
    The minimum number of seconds between each trade request. Some brokers only allow 1 request per second.
    Values: 1 - 60
  • Order Modify Seconds
    The number of seconds to adjust the pending stop orders.
    Values: 60 - 900
  • Start Hour
    The start hour for trading each day.
    Values: 0 - 23
  • End Hour
    The end hour for trading each day.
    Values: 0 - 23
  • Aggressive
    The factor at which aggressive trading is activated.
    A value of 1 is least aggressive and does not allow additional trades to be opened.
    Values: 1 - 5
    If you trade with a value greater than 1.0 then its recommended that you have a Secondary Terminal.
  • Max Spread Limit
    The maximum spread in points used to open new trades.
  • Min Spread Limit
    The minimum spread in points used to calculate trade parameters.
    This is an important parameter for pairs that have low spread it allows the strategy to trade similar to larger spreads.
    The following settings are all measured as a representation of the pair's spread.
  • Signal Size
    The distance measured in spreads that the strategy uses as it's signal to open positions or adjust orders.
    Values: 0.5 - 5.0
  • Order Distance
    The distance measured in spreads that the order will be placed from the market price.
    Values: 1.0 - 100.0
  • Max Distance
    The maximum distance to keep orders within this distance in spreads from the price.
    This value must be greater than Order Distance.
  • Stop Loss
    The number of spreads used for the Stop Loss.
    Values: 1.0 - 100.0
  • Max Trailing
    The maximum distance the trailing stop will be set.
    Values: 1.0 - 100.0
  • Trailing Target
    The distance used to calculate the lag on the trailing stop.
    Values: 1.0 - 50.0
    This value should be greater than the Max Trailing value.
Can You share good set file?... I'm using IC Market Raw spread
I don't want to sound rude but there people don't seems to understand the title.

This thread is not to post EA and ask for testing. This post should see people that are using EA on a real account and that got success.

As for my end here the EA that i am using on real account:

1) wallstreet recovery. it does small gain which will take 2 years to double but its safe so far. I added recently the new walsstreet asia grid because it show good result.
2) I am using white shark. this one is showing good result on my real account. So far my DD is low but the developer recommend between 1 to 3%. i have it setup at 0.3%. So low profit but also low DD and very low risk.
3) I am using grid master pro. from same developer of wallstreet.
4) Using happygrid. Honestly nothing special about this EA since I did one the same some years ago. However i don't leave it running all the time and I force buy or sell only based on fundamental. I am strong in fundamentals so I was able to make a descend profit.
5) I am using 2 others but since recently so I want to wait before I say anything about them.

All my investment objective are to double my account but within 2 years. It's just happygrid that I reached around 65% in 1 year but thats because I do intervene a lot.

Don't ask me for to provide EA because I mostly buy original copies. When you invest big amount like I do don't be cheap on EA because you will get ROI very fast and most important you get the future update.
If already involved so big money in forex investment, this already serious business for future
choosing ea is very important to get return inconsistent basis, low profit but stable if start with big money the profit is big.