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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion 1000% profit, never lose your trade anymore

Kalau melihat garis indinya seperti BB itu
mantab lah hasilnya profit gede bisa buat beli gorengan
Tahu bulat
Hey Traders im testing this Indicator on a 10k demo mutliple set ups with the indi built in an EA coded by my close friend. The entries seem ok now looking to take multiple trades on each pair if the trigger lines are re entered.

I beleive the TP = 0 line needs improving. Im thinking of creating a global feature to close out all trades when a % of Balance / Equity is met. Reason for this i had a profit over $800 and now in the red -$280. Protecting profits in Forex is crucial to success. This Indicator has very positive outlook provided profits are kept and the take profit factor can be improved.

Does anyone else have any opinions on this.


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By the Way i know little Bahasa not much but im learning Regards
This is my review for this thread:
This Indicator has positive and credible merits so we should continue to research and optimise this system Regards
Untuk saat ini belum ada update utk shared indicator.
sedangkan indicator permium memang ada byk penyempurnaan tapi itu lbh cocok digunakan bersama dengan EA premium.
tapi tetap akan saya update utk kemudahan setup trading manual.
This is my review for this thread:
Excellent tool!!!!

I am using 0.1 x 1.000 currency unit, TP in 0 line or 10% profit on equity (you can use an EA to close on reaching the amount).

Autoprofit, if you say "$ 100 bisa 0.1 plays lebih love already 0.05. Tapi seanuh pengalaman saya 0.1 jg kategori aman" what max DD has you had?
Credible Indicator. I have built my own EA now changing TP settings allow for Global Closure based on Equity / Balance close all sets. At the moment testing at 7% close all had all sets close out over 1.1k profit in 2 sets of closures. Im a full time manual trader with a signals business also. Found this indicator and full credit to the author seems like a working indi for the time being. Early stages at the moment with further tetsing required plus optimisation. Terimakasih ... Selamat Siang Traders
Seems good indicator... More better if cn support to all pair...

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
[QUOTE =“kappaforex,post:148290,member:8218”]可信指标。我已经建立了自己的EA,现在改变TP设置允许基于Equity / Balance的全球关闭关闭所有的集合。目前在7%的关闭测试中,所有的集合都在2套关闭中收益超过1.1k的利润。一个全职的手工交易商也有信号业务。发现这个指标和对笔者的充分信誉似乎是一个工作的印度暂时。此前需要进一步研究的早期阶段需要加上优化。Terimakasih ... Selamat Siang Traders [/ QUOTE]
Hello sir, can you share your EA?