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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion 1000% profit, never lose your trade anymore


Hasil seminggu hampir 50% wlw pke bonusan tp yg penting hasilnya yahud.. Hahaha

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Mantab deh kang Rahman Hidayat mungkin sebentar lagi bisa beli ruko nih
kalau melihat hasil trading yang selalu ijo memang menggiurkan
tapi masing-masing trader rejekinya tak sama yah bersyukur dengan yang diperolehnya

to make it easier, total profit both pairs reach your target profit (approach 30pips), both of those orders can be closed.
add some strategy such as layer (max 3 layers) will help.
my experience, only 2 layers ever.

Dear Autotrade,

Form the quote above,

1) We need to wait both pair to hit TP? If one currency hit TP, can we close the other one?

2) Can we set TP manually? Example 30pips TP

3) About the layer strategy, can you brief more detail?
Dear Autotrade,

Form the quote above,

1) We need to wait both pair to hit TP? If one currency hit TP, can we close the other one?

2) Can we set TP manually? Example 30pips TP

3) About the layer strategy, can you brief more detail?
1) supposes indicator hit TP, close both pairs. could be both are on profit or 1 profit and other floating negative but total still profit right?
2) Can't use TP, you have to close both pair together
3) Simple strategy is, puts 2nd Upper and Lower level, and reopen new order when hit 2nd level.
Of course I have more complicated strategy implemented on EA and more safe.
but hard for you to understand by just describe here. But need learn and deep understanding.
Ijin coba indinya Pak.
Maap pertanyaan newbie. klo smpe floating gede apa msti ditahan nunggu smpe profit ya pak? terima kasih
you're welcome. I'm going to release correlation for 3 pairs.
I after pass some test, I will share them.
keep giving me a good review to motivate me ;)

Semoga pair berikutnya rilis malam ini ya gan, haha...pokoknya ane tunggu gan. Tiap hari ane buka treat ini. Makasih.
Gara2 pair usd lemah dan mm tidak jaga...sy mc juga akhirnya...huhu

Main manual sering bikin emosi malah naikin lot atau OP padahal melanggar niat di awal utk jaga MM...ane masih blm ada masalah pake indi ini. So far balance sama equity naik bareng...
Ijin coba indinya Pak.
Maap pertanyaan newbie. klo smpe floating gede apa msti ditahan nunggu smpe profit ya pak? terima kasih

Untuk kasus floating, saya pernah sharing 1 strategy dengan reopen bisa melewati certain level yg lbh tinggi lagi. misal awalnya 0.1/-0.1, bisa terus floating dan tembus 0.2/-0.2 bisa OP lagi fixed lot aja.

tapi bisa juga mengamati bentuk histogram yg menandakan pembalikan arah baru ReOpen.
mainkan analisa aja gan.

dan MM dijaga ya.
Karena signal tidak selalu muncul, jadi terkadang kita mau buru2 dengan besarkan lot, ini jurus terlarang. hehehehe