Thanks so much! Will test on Pepperstone Demo account on Monday.and here full version
Thanks my friend, you are the best.and here full version
Will nice to hear you will share later how the end result during backtest in demoThanks so much! Will test on Pepperstone Demo account on Monday.
Kalau disni ya brrti manual trade pakai indikator dan semi auto ea autoxxx... Masa ane pamer ea atau indiktor lain d sni.. Kan anehIni hasil trading dg EA apa ya?
No expired date ??? Becouse this indicator expired in end 2017and here full version
Jgn nyampah kalau gk mau d banned admin
ok, thank you..i will try..attach Ea on EU, you dont need to attach any indicator, only put indicator in indicators folder, and that is.
Pakai tehnik snd ajaSy msih baru dsini teman2... Mau mcari Indi yg bgus utk trading pemula... Mhon dibntu ya...