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Sudah ada alert (notif) ke mobile.Om autoprofit bisakah dipasangin alert email om??
setting di metatrader dengan memasukkan MetaQuotes ID Mobile ke metatrader computer aja.
Sudah ada alert (notif) ke mobile.Om autoprofit bisakah dipasangin alert email om??
SOEHOE is a forum for not doing business with EA,sorry, I can't share the EA whitout AutoProfit authorization.
SOEHOE is a forum for not doing business with EA,
Korelasi ada 2 jenis, yaitu positif dan korelasi negatif.Halo bro autoprofit, ane pernah baca2 tentang trading korelasi ini. Katanya sebenarnya pair apa aja bisa dikorelasikan. Tapi ane ga mudeng2 sama teorinya. Apalagi sama prakteknya. Mungkin bro autoprofit bisa bantu kasih penjelasan supaya ane bisa sedikit lebih tercerahkan. Terima kasih sebelumnya
no one is behind ur premium EA and indicator,SOEHOE is a place where discussion happen for free EA's and i hope not for doing business for EA'sYes I know.
That's why I won't share my Premium EA here.
Here, I only share and discuss about my free indicator but very profitable.
hahaaaaa,.. you can using hedgingtnx but he say eurusa sell and its only go up all the time ahaha
hahaaaaa,.. you can using hedgingtnx but he say eurusa sell and its only go up all the time ahaha
Amazing lah profitnya sebulan dapat delapan puluh tiga persen83% this month
Woowww... only 1 month83% this month
VPS itu murah....Amazing lah profitnya sebulan dapat delapan puluh tiga persen
sayangnya perlu vps buat ngejalanain ea
masih belajar ane dengan akun mikro firewoodfx manualan