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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


  1. kiokio

    Suggestion My Trading Stratagy

    Hello . I will send you my trading method. I am successful in 7 out of 10 transactions with this method. You can be successful with capital management continuously. Let's go for my method: 1- The time form of work depends on you and your mood and the type of currency pair or... 2- Follow the...
  2. The Great

    New EA Threshing Floor EA

    Done some back-testing on this money machine and found it profitable, am still working on it for now only works for GBPUSD and also I have not been able to add many controls. This EA utilizes the volume spikes and price action.
  3. I

    Suggestion Does Anyone have this EA? Scalper XAUUSD EA

    Here is the parameters of the EA. Got a file of it but the EA opens a buy order only. Thanks.
  4. hvn000

    Suggestion Advisor Gold Crazy for MT5

    Advisor for trading XAUUSD Timeframe Н1 Free, time is not limited. Test, try Demo, Real. Set the spread of your broker. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/minbingo/seller
  5. Sofan Afandi

    Sharing - pengalaman menggunakan King Gold EA

    Salam kenal rekan rekan trader, kali ini saya akan membagikan pengalaman menggunakan EA yang konon didesain khusus untuk pair XAU atau Gold yaitu King Gold EA. EA ini saya dapat di beberapa forum dan sebenarnya terdiri dari 2 EA yaitu king gold buy dan king gold sell. 2 EA ini dipasang di 2...
  6. denizyaran

    Suggestion Gold Catcher V2

    Hi, Sharing the Gold Catcher V2 with you guys. There is also V1 in the zip file which opens only buy orders. I use V2 on real account. Be patient with this EA, sometimes it wont trade for two days and then trades constantly. Depends on the volatility. Add the news filter into indicators folders...
  7. 100% Intraday strategy || Bull Bear Chart || पहले से ही जाने Big players माके॔ट कहा ले जाने वाले है। - YouTube

    100% Intraday strategy || Bull Bear Chart || पहले से ही जाने Big players माके॔ट कहा ले जाने वाले है। - YouTube

    This setup is never seen before it is 100% works in any Market. Chart Tutorial- Platform - MT4 Timeframe - 30 Min. You will Get this setup free after Channel...
  8. AbdulXM88

    Suggestion Free Excellence Market Hierarchy Indicators + add your own Ways

    Hello, I would like to share the profitable and simple indicators for Commodity, forex and stock tradings. Remember!!! Manual trading required high patient and does not similar trading with an Expert Advisor (EA Robot) Observed the market trending prior enter the market. Make the Trend as Your...
  9. MentariMB

    Suggestion Strategi Harian Gold & Forex dari Mentari

    14/10/2019 XAU/USD Opsi 1: Buy di kisaran 1478.00-1481.00, stop loss ditetapkan di 1475.00, dengan target 1490-1500; Opsi 2: Buy di kisaran 1473.00-1476.00, stop loss ditetapkan di 1470.00, dengan target 1485-1495.
  10. MentariMB

    Suggestion Analisa Fundamental Harian dari Mentari

    14/10/2019 Pekan lalu, Ketua Federal Reserve Powell mengatakan dalam pidatonya bahwa beliau akan memulai operasi “ekspansi neraca.” Oleh karena itu, pasar percaya bahwa keputusan suku bunga The Fed pada bulan Oktober akan didasarkan pada keperluan penurunan suku bunga yang semula ditambah...
  11. MentariMB

    Suggestion Mentari - Analisa Fundamental (Topik Harian)

    25/07/2019 Pada siang hari, Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB) akan mengumumkan hasil keputusan suku bunga, kemudian Presiden Bank Sentral Eropa Mario Draghi akan berpidato, dimana ini menjadi fokus investor pasar. Mengenai keputusan suku bunga ini, investor berspekulasi bahwa Bank Sentral Eropa...