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Tutorial Share Forex Ebook

Discussion in 'Belajar Trading' started by mahoo bar, 09 May 2015.

  1. Seven7

    Seven7 New Member

    Ref Point
    Terima kasih e booknya , izin download untuk referensi
  2. Jhonny Rapid

    Jhonny Rapid Member

    Ref Point
    Until the 1970s the Forex market didn't act like an upgraded, present day market, reacting to changes in organic market. From the 1970s onwards, this all changed. The market got worldwide and rates changed, moving in response to market powers. Throughout the years the Forex market got greater and greater until it reached its current size. Nowadays, the Forex market is gigantic to such an extent that no one can move it without anyone else, no issue how much volume they are trading. Indeed, even huge organizations, for example, venture banks and hedge funds don't influence the Forex market. Indeed, even national banks make some hard memories moving their currencies.
  3. Joy denil

    Joy denil Member

    Ref Point
    Forex trading is too much risky business seriously, and it is very hard to get success in this platform. One must need to learn and work hard and good guideline to trade properly. Thera are way to handle the risk if you can get the risk management from your broker. I am working with the great broker called Forex4you since it gives me advanced risk management tools so that I can make good profit and handle my trading risk.
  4. Niguru

    Niguru Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
  5. Anele_

    Anele_ New Member

    Ref Point
    Thanks for the e-books.

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