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Search results

  1. winidecorw

    New EA Myfkbook Forex Sentiment indicator & EA

    Correct Title ): (I don't know how to change it ) Myfxbook Forex Sentiment indicator & EA I have created this Free MT4 EA to test if it is more profitable to trade in favor of the mass sentiment of traders or it is better to go against it. Check the video: The EA is multi-currency and...
  2. winidecorw

    New EA $ Simple Hassn EA

    Ok Friends hassn indicator To EA Thread :clap: In this post is the last M5 version: $ Simple EA -- hassn Best Pairs M5 v0.2 https://soehoe.id/simple-hassn-ea.t10320/page-9#post-197842 In this post is the last M15 version: https://soehoe.id/simple-hassn-ea.t10320/page-11#post-198088 I...
  3. winidecorw

    New EA $ Simple EA -- Eligio RSI+TMA

    Hello everyone! I create This Thread to go taking versions of the EA based on an indicator, strategy, of Eligio Here is your post: https://soehoe.id/goto/post?id=191630#post-191630 The first results of the EA in H1, Eligio, in which TF you use this strategy? I will be improving and testing...
  4. winidecorw

    New EA $ Simple EA ExhaustionBar + Vertex M15.rar

    Hi I will post this EA here, to give it a little more visibility, to see if people are encouraged and perform BT and test in demo accounts ... This EA is done by me and with the ideas and indicators of these other 2 users: jessicaz -------------- Leledc exhaustion bar indicator CHROUSFX...
  5. winidecorw

    Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

    Hi guys As I see that enough people would like to know how good their indicator is, testing it with an Ea. I thought the following: I am going to try to make a Simple Ea for all with the indicator that you share here. So we can identify how good an indicator is, with respect to another. The...
  6. winidecorw

    Suggestion Great Indicator? I will share here, Test it!

    It seems very professional EA .... Please, Test and share your resoults an suggestions https://www.myfxbook.com/members/icebob/icefx-traderagent-1-risk/964042 Is an Ea, no an Indi.....EA folder I will Test tomorrow :clap:
  7. winidecorw

    Suggestion Speed direction of Market

    Hi Sooorry for my bad English.... :wait: I find this free indicator: IceFX.VelocityMeter Any one can create an EA whit this? For example: Speed direction 10 = buy Speed direction -10 = sell Max Spread 2 .... I think can provide great result My idea is use it with RoNz Auto SL-TS-TP...