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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Reviews 4.82 star(s) 170 reviews

good job thanksssssss
Sangat tahan banting untuk pair AUDCAD, AUDNZD dan NZDCAD. Meskipun dengan modal hanya USC1000. Sebulan bisa mencapai diatas 50% dengan modal tersebut.
terima kasih sudah berbagi, nanti akan dicoba, hari ini masih libur marketnya
nice and profitable ea
stabil profit - best EA
10% seminggu, mantap
good sharing ea tapi blum coba karena masih member baru
good Ea and nice share
keterangan dijelaskan lengkap
om mau tanya soal EA Tahan banting :
1. Modal awal paling kecil berapa ?
2. Periode time frame yg di gunakan ?
3. Mata uang yg digunakan ?

Terimakasih banyak pak
Nice Ea Sir,Semoga Profit Terus
The ea is so great..
Good day I am giving this 5 stars because of the great support and help. I have been testing for 6 trading days it looks good. I have been using the Firstea for 2 years I am the owner of the OverRich88/ Paeo account if anyone needs any help with it inbox me but besides that I will give another review after an entire month of running this expert adviser :D
mantab om soehoe, saya uda test di Gold, hasilnya sangat memuaskan profit $123 dalam 2 hari..
Manteeb om, 10-30% sudahlah cukup
Saya ingin bisa mendapatkan sukses dengan EA ini...
Excellent thread and EA. Muchas Gracias!
manthab gan ........
Regards, I have been testing the tahan banting on demo account at fx-pro since initial date 2019.09.20 with an initial balance of 500us, in conf. automatic with auto lot in m5. To date of today 2019.10.24 so far has had a gain of 528.28us 100% in 1 month, here I leave images of the account.

Thank you very much to Sohehoe for contributing so much good content to the community and to the developer or the developers. Excellent work. Thanks, any update or recommendation of robot would gladly try it.

Regardless of this broker I have others working with the Tahan robot and so far the earnings are very positive

