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Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by Atsnakaoli, 16 Aug 2024.

  1. TikiTaka

    TikiTaka New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi, expired? It says "Date End: 2023 12 28".
  2. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    honey you don't have to tell me but the owner who has these signals


    and I would like to tell you that the broker is not strange but very well known in Vietnam
    have you done optimization?? icmarket is very expensive broker good only for idiot traders

    dear little boy I always said that you must have a package of indicators,,
    I was sure that you already had them ,,
    because they are fundamental to understand broker delay ,, amount of broker data and more
    and one more thing ,,,,,,,,, both Buffalo and Quantum are not hft
    I don't know your set because you're afraid to put it
    but yes many jobs are closed barely in gain to pay the commissions and others in gain
    Last edited: 26 Aug 2024
  3. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    more than naive you might seem dumb or idiot like I think you are
    and you are repeating like a parrot what I said
    you are a baby who doesn't even know how to do an optimization
    you are a pisspot full of fear who doesn't do a test
    incapable of making a set and `put ea in to demo
    fuxx you want ?????? I'm not a pedophile and I don't talk to minors !!!!
    you are an idiot who doesn't even have the indicators I said above to control the broker
    what the fxxx do you want to suck from me baby ???[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: 26 Aug 2024
  4. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    when the fiend owner,,,
    happy that they cracked his jewel eas
    will make you a nice set for your broker also ask for the updated version because the one I put here is old and you will see that it works much better
  5. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi. You mentioned here that the Quantum Speed is a clone version of WAY GROW Edu. How about Quantum Hermes and Golden buffalo?
    Last edited: 28 Aug 2024
  6. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    what i put here is a reduced version many settings have been disabled and others hidden inside
    i was hoping to create a discussion but it is not so,,
    Buffalo has 3 strategies inside,, Buffalo it's a prototype
    they use different indicators to understand the trend and put a pending only
    yes i confirm,, Buffalo,,, Quantum,, Waygrow 2024 use the same strategy and has always been to put a pending at a certain distance for a certain time seconds if we have a fibrillation of price movements
    these price fibrillations are determined by other powerful hft put on the market,, so these ea do not work every day
    they do work on price explosions
    there are many types of this EA
    some also have a channel buy stop sell stop ,,that follows the price and
    the moviment of channel is second slowed down,, stop loss must be very small (you did not take the explosion) and you will have a sequence of orders like this
    - 10 -5 -6 -09 +130 -15-7+210-11-7+50 point ( originals hft old way )
    IT'S NOT THE CASE OF Quantum, because like many others it has tried to reduce the number of orders and increase the tp
    the stop loss is almost an emergency because a sort of BE is immediately activated
    US companies sell very good products and many people on this path ( use a ""kind ""of hst to work in real with standart broker (me too)
    Last edited: 29 Aug 2024
  7. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    I tested the Buffalo on strategy tester. but result is not as expected. This EA just open buy order at 23:00 and close it at 01:29 regardless of profit or loss. As can be seen at buffalo signal on myfxbook and signalstart.com the results are very attractive, but I can't get similar result in back testing. This is the result all over the 2024. Anyone can answer why??? TesterGraph.gif .
  8. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    For Quantum EA it's clearly that the broker should have low slippage to get good results. Author of EA uses PUPRIME broker. It seems that the keypoint to get profit by these EAs is broker.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  9. GasUP

    GasUP New Member

    Ref Point
    anyone can upload Golden Buffalo EA?
  10. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    it's shameful that you couldn't understand that you got scammed and that all all all all buffaloea are scams and that you will never have a screenshot of the work done with buffalo comment because they are all scams and renamedEA
    go back to work the countryside,,!!! don't steal arms from agriculture that needs you so much !!!!
  11. jorge sache

    jorge sache Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Thanks for sharing!
  12. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    OMG exactly as i said before ,,,you hid the comments ,, repeat forKID ..hahaha yours is fake
    fake fake EA ,, hahahaaha you have been scammed
  13. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    you're a liar why don't you put it here
    if it's free you could have put it here for everyone no ???
    but you will never do it because you're a lying person you're another troll who tries to take the piss out of people hahahahaahah
    the comment of the orders is not buffalo butttttttttttt hahahahahaahahahaahahaha
    Last edited: 30 Aug 2024
  14. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    I downloaded the free demo from the author account on MQL5.
  15. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    Could you share the Buffalo EA here?
  16. GasUP

    GasUP New Member

    Ref Point
  17. semledot

    semledot Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Thank for share
  18. GasUP

    GasUP New Member

    Ref Point
    thanks, does the seller use the defualt settings?
  19. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I repeat for the last time this is not buffalo but a renamed scam eA that will never do the work of buffalo
  20. grx70j

    grx70j New Member

    Ref Point
    If you have it, share here please

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