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Suggestion Profitable Indicators – 134% gained in 13 trading days

Discussion in 'Sistem dan Strategi Trading' started by Rektor, 06 Nov 2019.

  1. giobru

    giobru Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  2. porter

    porter New Member

    Ref Point
  3. xoxon

    xoxon Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    kok file EA nya tidak ada ya pak? boleh minta EA nya kah?
  4. YannLai

    YannLai New Member

    Ref Point
    Depuis que je suis Rektor, je n'ai jamais eu autant de bon résultats en 1 mois que j'en ai eu en 1 an et demi. Je me considère comme nouveau dans le trading (1 an et demi). J'ai fait comme tout le monde et je me suis formé (avec des formations payantes). Il y a eu des bons et des mauvais trades... Grâce à Rektor et ses indicateurs, je me suis nettement amélioré et tout cela GRATUITEMENT !!! La plupart des arnaqueurs te font payer et tu te fais avoir !! Avec Rektor il le fait GRATUITEMENT !! Où est l'intérêt d'arnaquer une personne gratuitement ??? Alors oui il y aura toujours des gens qui se feront arnaqués et apparemment cela a été ton cas vu tes commentaires !! Mais ne juge jamais une personne sans la connaitre. Si tu n'y crois pas, passe ton chemin et n'entraine pas les personnes dans tes pertes !!! Si j'avais décidé de suivre des gens comme toi, je n'aurais jamais eu la chance de rencontrer et d'appliquer les méthodes de Rektor. Rektor a été de loin le meilleur professeur que j'ai eu depuis mes débuts car pour chaque question de ma part, il a su me donner la réponse. Et cela GRATUITEMENT...
    Rektor est une personne généreuse (partage gratuitement ses connaissances), volontaire et disponible (est toujours la à aider et conseiller les personnes) !! Donc MERCI REKTOR !!!
    Si cela ne te plait pas, tu as des d'autres sujets dans le forum, d'autres sites à visiter .. et tout cela payant !! Ne t'en prive pas !!!

    Sorry for english, i'm french (google translate)

    Since I follow Rektor, I have never had as good results in 1 month as I have had in 1 year and a half. I consider myself new to trading (1 year and a half). I did like everyone else and I trained (with paid training). There have been good and bad trades ... Thanks to Rektor and its indicators, I have improved significantly and all for FREE !!! Most scammers make you pay and you get fooled !! With Rektor he does it for FREE !! Where is the point of ripping someone off for free ??? So yes there will always be people who will get ripped off and apparently that was your case considering your comments !! But never judge a person without knowing them. If you do not believe in it, go your way and do not lead people into your losses !!! If I had decided to follow people like you, I would never have had the chance to meet and apply Rektor's methods. Rektor has been by far the best teacher I have had since my beginnings because for each question on my part, he knew how to give me the answer. And this for FREE ...

    Rektor is a generous person (sharing his knowledge for free), voluntary and available (is always there to help and advise people) !! So THANK YOU REKTOR !!!

    If you don't like it, you have other topics in the forum, other sites to visit ... and all this for a fee !! Do not deprive yourself !!!
  5. RimJim

    RimJim New Member

    Ref Point
    Sir, Is there any possibility to get your Xtreme EA
  6. Yashvanth

    Yashvanth Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    False praising campaign is going good here, YannLai, Can you please tell me when did you join this Forum After that read your review lines which i colored ed in Red. :clap::clap:
  7. Anwar Luqman

    Anwar Luqman Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Terima kasih Rektor untuk free indi ini, akan cuba di simulators utk hadamkam
    fungsi2 gabungan elliot dan fibo
  8. Yashvanth

    Yashvanth Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    tunjukkan sejarah perdagangan Anda
    melihat adalah percaya
  9. Rektor

    Rektor Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Good day,
    Appreciate comments form Badrol, Zaman98, Dascore and YannLai-the top performing follower from session 1.
    Reply - Copy.png

    Hoping to get more top performing INVITED FOLLOWERS from Elliott-Wave-Trading-Strategy-session 2.
    In addition, i will consider to open Free Elliott-Wave-Trading-Strategy-session 3 to the max. of 10 invited followers only.

    Please do not share your personal trading method to the SPECIFIC person and trading results that has been gained from your own thorough studies along with FREE MINIMAL GUIDE from me because i want my VIP's to be independent, learn and make money as much as you can because in between the waves is YOUR money.

  10. Rektor

    Rektor Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    You're most welcome and thanks on your comment.
  11. Rektor

    Rektor Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks on your interest.
    As i told you earlier in our private discussion, will only share the personal ea by CopyTrading or MAM account.
    Invitation will be by email only.

  12. Rektor

    Rektor Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Masakan personal ea dishare.
    Will only share the personal ea by CopyTrading or MAM account.
  13. Rektor

    Rektor Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hoping reader understood the meaning of Currently the re-coded ea set with low risk without SL was put on FT.
    Ea will not be share except the FT history for reference only....no more no less
    Last edited: 23 Dec 2019
  14. kumar forex

    kumar forex Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Please guide me bro
  15. Anwar Luqman

    Anwar Luqman Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ilmu yang baik kita kena support dan follow :)
  16. Mas69

    Mas69 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    please include me in session 3

    I am backtesting with diverse results, problems in side markets and with the appearance of contradictory signals, they improve according to risk management
  17. Anwar Luqman

    Anwar Luqman Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    include me in,

  18. niwat

    niwat Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    it's interesting indicators, please include me in the next session.
    Thank you.
  19. kumar forex

    kumar forex Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Include me also
  20. porter

    porter New Member

    Ref Point
    Please include me in the next session.
    Thank you...:ok::):clap:

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