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10 Jan 2015
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EA yang bermasalah akan saya lanjut perbaiki hari minggu, hari ini belum slesai. (y) 04 Dec 2015

    1. tendys meiliyano
      tendys meiliyano
      selamat malam mas soehoe saya mau bertanya mengenai soehoe market,saya sudah melakukan pembayaran dan mengisi ticket tapi masih belum ada konfirmasi.. mohon di cek kembali. Terima Kasih
    2. OatEdit
      Hi Soehoe When i start Wasternpips EA It said Pls Contact Soehoe.com Can u help Me ?
      1. SoeHoe
        Wait for the next version release :)
        25 Nov 2015
        OatEdit likes this.
      2. OatEdit
        Ok 'Thx a lot
        08 Dec 2015
    3. avishek
      I never posted in any thread of this forum to sell EA , I am only using my own Eas and listed for my own analysis link like others use in signature of their profitable eas. So there is no meaning of refund If I am not selling my Eas as a seller in profession.
      1. SoeHoe likes this.
      2. avishek
        And please check I never sold any ea though this forum they contacted me by skype and peoples contacting me from them self from many other sources not from just this forum.
        I am using my own personal coded eas on if someone wants and comes then he is responsible for it self and for blaming of product in this forums does not means ,
        02 Nov 2015
      3. avishek
        he needs to inform me directly on skype where he came , not in the forum which is not used for this activity.
        Kiran is scammer he not brought anything from me as per information , and you should try to check support tickets and spam reports I have already reported about him before his spamming.
        02 Nov 2015
      4. avishek
        And check my Messages all moderators agree with me but they don't have access to kick this scammer from this forum.

        For posting eas on this forum I think I post all pair usage with time frame and full backtest reports and charts and all recommendations which I never seen in others posts who share EA here.
        Anyway thanks for support.
        02 Nov 2015
    4. Krishna yogiswara
      Krishna yogiswara
      selamat malam mas soehoe..salam kenal
      mohon bantuannya: apa yang menyebabkan suatu EA....tidak muncul TP & SL'nya...padahal di input sudah tersetting ( TP 10 SL 10 ) ketika running...tidak muncul TP & SL'nya...terima kasih
      1. SANLANA
        karena didalam code nya TP dan SL di nonaktifkan... atau bisa juga to bersifat hidden
        30 Oct 2015
        Krishna yogiswara likes this.
    5. sikder abdul rouf
      sikder abdul rouf
      hello sir... i want to buy arbitrage ea with the best settings working in real account... can you provide me ?? please contact me via pm.. thanx
    6. achlyss
      if(Open[1] > Close[1] )
      if(Open[1] < Close[1] )

      klo trigger buat op seperti diatas, tolong dibuatkan supaya bisa berlaku untuk semua pair trigger tersebut
      kira2 bagaimana codingnya, thankss
    7. puskom3
      Mau nanya untuk program dapat rebate 2.5 pip apa masih tersedia? trims
    8. maniakfx
      mas cara dapat balance credit gimana ya
    9. Cobizin
      SoeHoe saya mau WD equity $91
      sekalian voucher vpsnya masih belum dapat padahal sudah seminggu open tiket. Mohon infonya, Thanks
    10. Ujang
      Saya ingin uplode user guide Fab Turbo.Pdf di forum Ea Fab Turbo tetapi keluar alert yg tidak membenrarkan.Begitu juga saya ingin uplode Keltner Channel Strategy.tpl tetapi tidak berjaya juga .kenapa ya.
    11. Muhammad Ahmad
      Muhammad Ahmad

      Last night I purchased Like forexstay light from your site by paying $20 , but I am shocked that money is taken out of my account and there is no download. This is really an ashamed practice on your site. I am a new member and request for paying back of my money , i have also submited a support ticket but got no answer or feedback. Please reverse the money to my account.
      1. hajirin aseli
        hajirin aseli
        just wait please,our staff will answer your ticket
        27 Sep 2015
    12. fxcoliseum
      permisi om, maaf kalau lancang :) mau ngajakin untuk jadi gladiator di copytradeallbroker.com :) sepertinya kalau om bisa jadi gladiator yang hebat :) sekali lagi maaf kalau lancang yah om...
    13. reddaricher
      Kapan kita adakan members gathering di Jakarta Mas?
    14. anjum
      hello there sir, bought two eas and could download only one that too is not activated on my account/submitted a request to this regard/pl expedite the process and advice.....thanks
    15. Denny anggoro
      Denny anggoro
      om, ada yg sudah share ea (power forex) kah?
      dia modelnya martingale, tpi banyak juga op pertama yg langsung profit.
      saya cocok liat itu ea, op nya bagus timingnya.
      mohon infonya.
    16. avishek
      1. denny budiar
        denny budiar
        what this EA fix now...?
        29 Sep 2015
    17. labforex
      Suhu, saya ada teman yg mau dibuatin EA, bisakah suhu membantu membuat EA tersebut? jenis ea nya nanti akan saya kasih logikanya, logikanya dari si pemesan EA, berapakah kira2 biayanya? agar saya bisa sampaikan kepada teman saya..saya tidak tahu kontak no hp dan emailnya suhu,jadi saya post disni dulu..terimakasih suhu
    18. Yi Hao Lin
      Yi Hao Lin
      Hi SoeHoe, I have already download " Like Westernpips 3.8.8 ex4 " still not available to working on MT4 Expert which system asking to contact you?
      In other hand I am also to purchase Forexstay Light 7.4 version any purchase link for me or how to make a deposit into my account, please inform me accordingly, thank you.
    19. AlexTan
      I have experienced trading with this EA Rebate Hunter but it was always shown that "Expired".
      So, I ask you to to give me a proposal of V.2.1.2 with specific term "UNEXPIRATION" on this EA.
      Looking forward to receiving your reply soon.
    20. AlexTan
      After re-downloading, I noticed that it is stated that it's V.2.1.2 and I'm wondering that this EA still working or not. Pls. kindly suggest me.
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