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  • hi soehoe.. sy mau setting ea tahan banting untuk jarak setiap posisi jaraknya 130 poin kira2. gmn caranya soehoe.? makasih soehoe
    Selamat pagi

    Saya ada rencana mau pesan EA MT5, kira-kira saya harus hub siapa ya

    Mohon infonya

    Berikut no HP saya : 08129660137

    Terima Kasih
    Dear soehoe, I appreciate your great creativity, I am interested to know if the ex4 of the ea and k filter is for sale, where can I buy it?
    Cara bikin indicator dengan alert dan dimana isi alert menampilkan nilai harga buy dimana dan SL dimana sesuai yang kita setting
    hi soehoe dan master2 disini. sy pengguna vps social . sy menggunakan ea tahan banting. sy masi pemula. sy mau bertanya bagaimana cara close all open posisi pada satu pair mata uang. ato semua posisi pair mata uang.?? makasih sblmnya. mohon petunjuk master2 disini.
    Om, mohon petunjuk cara penggunaan EA Copier, kan ada 2 file .ex4 mana yang dipakai...?
    sama EA tahan banting om, saya pengguna VPS Social, saya dapet EA nya dari VPS Social
    dear soehoe. by any chance that, your EA tahan banting, could configure to trade for Gold ? Thx... (Eg. i tested on Gold. EA open too many positions)
    Good day Brother,

    Amazing work, really well done. I need to use your EA Tahan Banting in a commercial Artificial Intelligence project. I hope you have time to discuss this project. let me know what is your feedback and how we can make an agreement together.
    Dear SoeHoe sir,
    I am the new in this group. Could you pls provide me the ETA EA download link and installation Guideline with trading instruction. Whereas, which one is the best EA in your side pls write and download link and installation Guideline with trading instruction.

    Thanks in advance for your kind reply !

    Md Mijanur Rahman
    Hi Soe
    please i need help
    I have a sociavps VPS I try to connect "master copy Soe" but it returns me the alert "Please contact Soe."
    Please help .....
    First I cleaned the files in the COMMON folder and then I hooked the expert file
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