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  • Hallo bang, salam kenal mau tanya apakah ada update utk EA 3 pair correlation? sy juga mau dpt yg full version tanpa limit, caranya gmn? makasi bang
    om minta tolong kalo kita mau EAnya ga bisa di becktest dan di demo tambahin script apa dan taronya di mana ? terimakasih
    hello I contact you because EA FTL no longer function on mt4 it asks for an update I can not find it on the official site the latest version of I found is the v9.2 but even this version works more thank you for your help cordially
    please i need some clarification

    1. is the EA FTL Lightning fully automated or will i be the one to close the trades and take profit?
    2. is the EA Breeze v7 same as FTL Lightning, is it also fully automated?
    Hello, Can you provide EA breeze v4 unlocked because it'a very profitable in back testing more than the 5v2.
    dari pertama aku pakai ea Breeze di akun real ga ada masalah, tapi barusan aku cek karena saat nfp ga ada op dan ternyata ada pesan ini
    2018.07.07 00:59:49.553 EA Breeze v4 EURUSD,H1: zero divide in 'EA Breeze v4.mq4' (223,56)
    saya coba buka akun demo lancar tapi buka lg di akun real error lagi, mohon bantuannya suhu???
    Your Breeze EA have something unique that make me smile..happy smile. I hope your EA will be no expiry and works with live account. Because next week I have plan for real acc testing.
    Thank you.
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