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New EA Official EA Budak Ubat(version 1.5) Flexible

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by drnukerz158, 12 Jul 2017.

  1. muaznurdin

    muaznurdin New Member

    Ref Point
    thank u bro! always impressed with your EA!
  2. ihbay123

    ihbay123 New Member

    Ref Point
    Running this EA on a live account with Tickmill, I'll post my results-EURUSD, 0.01 Starting Lot, TP 40, LM 1.2, No Auto Compound and Identifier 1 - very nice growth, frequent trader and good trend identification which is a killer to so many martingale EA's. Has nearly doubled the account, impressive so far.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. tdeliev

    tdeliev Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I am started same but with eurusd and usdjpy

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    • Like Like x 1
  4. jeff taha

    jeff taha New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    this picture from budak ubat owner account
    so much risk !!
    he have about 100 k usd !!! but big floating

    martingale EA is very risk for small accounts

    Attached Files:

  5. AllenZo

    AllenZo New Member

    Ref Point
    Check the profit now!!!! It is amazing
    If you have Good equity and low risk! Just sit relax and watch it working
  6. Ryann

    Ryann New Member

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    MC machine
  7. ihbay123

    ihbay123 New Member

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    This EA has great potential, I'm currently making 60 USD a week from a 0.01 lotsize. There are risks with this mild martingale approach, but with a sensible approach to MM and withdrawing of profits, this EA is one the best I have used.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. snakeeyes

    snakeeyes Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi, I am new to BT.
    Can someone please tell me why this Demo account (on the left) with Spread 9 performed much better than the other one with just Spread 1? Thanks!
    P.S. Both had initial deposit of only $100 USD... I am confused because it did not seem to matter if it was $1,000 or $100, the total net profit was relatively the same.

    Attached Files:

  9. ihbay123

    ihbay123 New Member

    Ref Point
    This EA is good. I have tripled a live Tickmill account using the default settings on EURUSD. Really excellent performance, I suggest withdrawing profits at regular intervals. Please be aware though that certain brokers manipulate the situation. Running identical conditions another broker, I found that Sunday evening and end of NY session and beginning of Asian session the broker froze the price and left trades exposed not reflecting SL/TP's. If you use a reputable broker this EA will make serious profits.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. valerio

    valerio Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    I have been demoing it since 17/08 in a standard account, leverage 1:500 , founded with 5000$ initially
    3 pairs : gbpusd, eurgbp,eurusd

    it made 2088 today since the beginning. I am impressed.

    I stopped it some days for news at the end of august beginning os september
  11. valerio

    valerio Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I have been demoing it since 17/08 in a standard account, leverage 1:500 , founded with 5000$ initially
    3 pairs : gbpusd, eurgbp,eurusd

    it made 2088 today since the beginning
    I stopped it some days for news at the end of august beginning os september

    I am very impressed!!
  12. valerio

    valerio Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    no, I use 1 on each pair. What I don't know e is the real meaning of 1,2,3,4 If somebody knows please post it !!
  13. glosbe

    glosbe Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    because you test it chancy
    try 2-3 years testing and see diffrent
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. glosbe

    glosbe Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    it same renamed of ilan 1.6 ea
  15. d3ck4

    d3ck4 New Member

    Ref Point
    can u set the EA to close all trades/positions (for the respective pair) once it reach maxtrades? maybe put this as variable in v1.52? this could be something more like triggering or executing a cut loss in certain condition or situation, probably when the market against the EA (long trend). thx
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2017
  16. Muhammad Qasim Amin

    Muhammad Qasim Amin New Member

    Ref Point
  17. Alecksey

    Alecksey Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I am leaving this signal free to anyone who wants to test
    It is not for sale
    Not available for rent
    It's personal
    But I share who wants to follow for free
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Rahul Rabha

    Rahul Rabha New Member

    Ref Point
    Lol. Nobody asking about settings of Version 1.5 and how we can optimize it to gain more and bullshitting about here and there. If versin 1.5 ahs a hedge setting than it will be better than previous version but I think only sell and only buy will lead to huge drawdown.
  19. scalperfx

    scalperfx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    i have martingale which still running profit :emo:
    high deposit with small lot :D
  20. qq717682783

    qq717682783 New Member

    Ref Point
    Strongly support your work!!!!

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