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New EA No Sleep EA With no restrictions

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by oshaban, 19 Nov 2017.

  1. sidalew

    sidalew New Member

    Ref Point
  2. sidalew

    sidalew New Member

    Ref Point
    Great! I'll definitely check them out. Thank you!
  3. jr0450194

    jr0450194 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Are you always set up to have unrealized losses?
  4. Essam`

    Essam` New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi everybody ...can any one here please give me the link of No Sleep EA latest version? thanks
  5. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    Hello, Oshaban Thanks for the EAs. I am using No Sleep EA Version 2 sadly I bought it from a guy got cheated. All these days I am using its good but some times I need pips to be getting bigger when its taking trades at losing so I go to try No Sleep EA version 3.1 what I understood about the setting in V3.1 about pips is

    1. Pipstep - is the pips between orders
    2. PSM - is the pips multiplayer Means if it was set 1.5 and Pipstep is 10 then 10 X 1.5 = 15 is the next order and 15 X 1.5 will be the next order
    3. Start PSM after trades - is after how many trades the PSM start to work that means if Pipsstep is 10 and Start PSM after trades is 3 then first 3 trades will be in 10 pips gap after that PSM start to work
    Guys this is what is understood about the setting if I am wrong please correct me and I am going to start it so if you have ant tips please give me

    I am at cent acc my balance is 30000 USDC now

    (I studied the old messages and this is what I understood due to my bad English)
  6. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Ref Point
    Thank You
  7. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Ref Point
    Hello Mr Oshaban
    I can't find the link to download No Sleep EA v3.2 can you link it to this comment. thanks
  8. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Ref Point
    Can you please give settings for this EA? Thanks
  9. kam2016

    kam2016 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  10. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    Hello brother,
    Thanks for the reply We already chated at Whatsapp I don't know that you remember me or not. Anyway thanks for the help
  11. Husain Nasrul Arifin

    Husain Nasrul Arifin New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear Oshaban,
    Attached my Setting using No Sleep EA with EXNESS Broker and XAUUSD. My Deposit USDCent 2,500. But after I wake up from sleep, my Balance Diapear / blown / zero.

    Need your assintance related my setting not match ?


    Husein N. Arifin

    Attached Files:

  12. fxsyntium

    fxsyntium New Member

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    This is my review for this thread:
    Very good
    • Like Like x 1
  13. fxsyntium

    fxsyntium New Member

    Ref Point
    1 week real account

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  14. pepen2020

    pepen2020 New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    just be careful 100$ on a standard account is so risky, wait for 2-3weeks time
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    I dont Know why no trades even after 50 pips New to PSM so please help me

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  16. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    Thanks Brother
    Last edited: 29 May 2020
  17. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    Thanks brother

    It took a trade after 73 pips. my PSM is 1.6 pips step 15 is it should be after 24 pips but its after 73 pips
    the trades are as followes 0.30 lots 18 pips then 0.30 lots 18 pips the 0.45 lots 73 pips then 0.68. Even though is set the pips step 15 it took trades after 18 the when PSM added its after 73 I attached the pics . thanks Untitled-1.jpg GBPUSDM15.png
  18. marco85555

    marco85555 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello Mr. Osbahan
    pls check attached screenshot.
    why some trades not have tp ?

    another qustion, I set trading hours to start at 03 and should finish at 23 my gmt is +3.
    but sometimes, the ea open at 01:00 . why do you think ?

    Attached Files:

  19. marco85555

    marco85555 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    really too much pages to read all of them. Sorry for disturbing.
    for that trades without tp, should I close them as manuelly or let it run ?
  20. marco85555

    marco85555 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Trying grid ea on 20 pairs with very low risks. Will share results here soon. hope ea should had spread filter too.

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