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Jurnal tradding ea benefite modal 50$ saja

Discussion in 'Jurnal Trading' started by gladiators, 29 Sep 2016.

  1. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Ksiangan bangun nya.. Bru bisa cek mt4 dan ini score akhir untuk kmarin…
    Alhamdulillah cukup buat beli kopi+rokok (ngeteng) [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [​IMG]

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  2. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hari ini experimen di pair UsdJpy.. Ngeriiii.. Baru bbrp jam sudah mncapai level 8 [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30]
    Mungkin akan ada perubahan sett nanti di UJ, atau klo kira2 risk nya trllu tinggi ya move on saja [emoji13] [emoji13]
    Score sementara terlampir…

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  3. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score sementara sore ini…
    Penambahan pair usdjpy lumayan menambah profitable nya, tp jg boros margin [emoji16] [emoji16]

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  4. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score sementara..
    Cukup buat beli rokok ama kopi[emoji16] [emoji16]

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  5. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Nambah lagi trnyata alhamdulillah[emoji16] [emoji16]

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  6. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score sementara…
    Gokiiil gan[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

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  7. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score terakhir tgl 4 oktober
    Alhamdulillah bisa buat beli mie rebus ama kopi [emoji16] [emoji16]

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  8. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bertanya-tanya, apa ea bisa berjalan di platform mobile yah ane belum pernah sih pakai mobile platform untuk trading cuma pengin tahu kok screenshot keknya dari mobile trading
  9. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]
    Ea ttp jalan di vps om.. Mt4 mobile hanya untuk memantau akun saja..
    Ini penampakan vps ane om..
    Vps pun ane acces dri Hp..


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    Last edited: 05 Oct 2016
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  10. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bismillah.. Score awal hari ini..
    Semoga lbih baik drpd hari kemarin.. Aamiin
    Untuk smentara smua ea di sett false dlu new cycle nya krna floating nya msih tinggi, klo ttp di true di hawatirkan Gap order antara buy dan sell nya trllu jauh.. [​IMG]

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  11. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Berhubung AU nya sudah clear.. Maka new cycle nya di sett true lg.. Hunting lg gan[emoji16] [emoji16]

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  12. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score sementara sore ini.. [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

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  13. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score sementara…
    Ujan2 sambil ngudud gan..
    Smua pair msih sett new cycle false, dari pagi krna floating msih wow[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

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  14. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mulai diotak/atik broker kali Gan hehehe
  15. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Inbox saya ga di bales ya om, x aja itu bisa mengatasi ke jahilan broker, dgn mngganti random koment atau delete coment

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  16. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Score trakhir tgl 5 dan score awal hari ini…
    Walapun masih floating hampir 70% tp msih terus bertahan dan terus mencetak profit, itu krna ada nya system safety di level tertentu pada ea ini..
    Sampai pagi ini smua pair masih dlm posisi new cycle false, sampai suasana kondusif baru nanti di ubah ke true..

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  17. Nurulazmi Kusai

    Nurulazmi Kusai New Member

    Ref Point
    terbaik ...!!!
  18. avinigav

    avinigav Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Gan gmn kabarnya? Malam ini bnyk news medium dan high. Gmn status akun?

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  19. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Kalau floating terlalu besar, better top up deposit equity dan set auto detect 5 digit ke true, biar aman, nanti kalau sudah tenang bisa di kembalikan lagi ke settingan awal agan
  20. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Akun tumbang gan..
    Trlalu banyak attach pair ..total 6 pair, salah strategy harusnya ga di new cycle false krna akan semakin merugi jika trend brlanjut kcuali kita tau pasti klo harga akan retrace..
    Insyallah senin depo lagi.. Dgn new strategy .. [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]
    Pengalaman adalah guru yg berharga..

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