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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. Jean-Leon

    Jean-Leon Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi everyone,
    About EA_FXTh1.exe, I've got a problem in backtest...
    When I select "Buy and Sell" in TRADE parameter, EA takes only sell position !...
    Does someone has an idea please ?

    Attached Files:

  2. Afrodeenn

    Afrodeenn Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Good change auto by lot size it's work even more good I'll try with 10 USD slow make 140% try it and share your results

    Attached Files:

    • Like Like x 1
  3. danichirri

    danichirri Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "tanaka akiko, post: 315284, miembro: 33635"] OK, codifiqué el filtro de noticias detener / cerrar EA (versión independiente).
    Si ya ejecuta otro EA y desea detener (pausar EA) antes de Alto impacto nuevo.
    Puedes abrir cualquier gráfico y adjuntar este EA.
    Te mostraré cómo usar.
    [ATTACH = full] 87477 [/ ATTACH]
    Por favor, ponga MAGIC #, igual que los EA que ya ejecutó.
    Este número MÁGICO se usa para cerrar pedidos antes de las noticias de impacto, así que use el mismo número mágico que desea detener antes de NOTICIAS.

    Si desea cerrar todo el pedido antes de las noticias de impacto, CloseOrder antes de News = true y todos los pedidos se cerrarán cuando llegue la noticia.
    Si no desea cerrar los pedidos antes de NEWS, (solo detener / pausar solo EA), entonces CloseOrder before News = false.

    Por ejemplo, ejecuta M3c-Timer, y desea detener EA antes de noticias de alto impacto,
    luego poner la misma MAGIC # (101),
    [ATTACH = full] 87479 [/ ATTACH]
    [ATTACH = full] 87478 [/ ATTACH]

    Cuando el tiempo es 60 minutos antes de las noticias de gran impacto, EA está INACTIVO y deja de operar. (MT4 apagado)

    [ATTACH = full] 87481 [/ ATTACH]
    Durante las noticias de alto impacto, EA no abrirá nuevos pedidos porque MT4 está detenido ahora.
    Después de que las noticias terminen, entonces MT4 comenzará de nuevo. :guay::De acuerdo:
    Por favor, utilice el adjunto EA y el indicador FFCAL. (No tiene que adjuntar el indi, solo copie en su carpeta de indi) [/ QUOTE]
    [QUOTE = "tanaka akiko, post: 315284, miembro: 33635"] OK, codifiqué el filtro de noticias detener / cerrar EA (versión independiente).
    Si ya ejecuta otro EA y desea detener (pausar EA) antes de Alto impacto nuevo.
    Puedes abrir cualquier gráfico y adjuntar este EA.
    Te mostraré cómo usar.
    [ATTACH = full] 87477 [/ ATTACH]
    Por favor, ponga MAGIC #, igual que los EA que ya ejecutó.
    Este número MÁGICO se usa para cerrar pedidos antes de las noticias de impacto, así que use el mismo número mágico que desea detener antes de NOTICIAS.

    Si desea cerrar todo el pedido antes de las noticias de impacto, CloseOrder antes de News = true y todos los pedidos se cerrarán cuando llegue la noticia.
    Si no desea cerrar los pedidos antes de NEWS, (solo detener / pausar solo EA), entonces CloseOrder before News = false.

    Por ejemplo, ejecuta M3c-Timer, y desea detener EA antes de noticias de alto impacto,
    luego poner la misma MAGIC # (101),
    [ATTACH = full] 87479 [/ ATTACH]
    [ATTACH = full] 87478 [/ ATTACH]

    Cuando el tiempo es 60 minutos antes de las noticias de gran impacto, EA está INACTIVO y deja de operar. (MT4 apagado)

    [ATTACH = full] 87481 [/ ATTACH]
    Durante las noticias de alto impacto, EA no abrirá nuevos pedidos porque MT4 está detenido ahora.
    Después de que las noticias terminen, entonces MT4 comenzará de nuevo. :guay::De acuerdo:
    Por favor, utilice el adjunto EA y el indicador FFCAL. (No tiene que adjuntar el indi, solo copie en su carpeta de indi) [/ QUOTE]
    good job.
    Can you make an EA time filter to place on any pair and be able to stop and start any magic at a specified time ??????
    Thank you
  4. joao2010089

    joao2010089 New Member

    Ref Point
    Thank you so much for the ignore Tanaka-san.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  5. Etorix

    Etorix Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    How rude are you please? You see what he is doing for the community? Yes? Then rethink your post. You can remind him, but not in that childish way. Unbelievable.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Carlos Prieto

    Carlos Prieto Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Brother. Are you having luck finding a good preset? Im struggling in backtest..

    Im trying to replicate this but no luck

    Last edited: 07 Jun 2019
  7. miguel0033

    miguel0033 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr. Tanaka can create an EA with the attached indicator, D1 (Daily), Trailing Stop and Opposite Close. Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  8. miguel0033

    miguel0033 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr. Tanaka you can correct this EA by entering "Trailing Stop" and "Comments" Thanks again.

    Attached Files:

  9. sholly

    sholly Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr Tanaka please attend to shanmugam request the indicator is very good i know some people who use this indicator to provide signals to thier client and they make lot of money from it.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. alaakenanah

    alaakenanah Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  11. rmsinfo

    rmsinfo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  12. Gordon Hill-Murray

    Gordon Hill-Murray New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Tanaka
    I've had this running with only buy or only sell and close on opposite. It is opening ok but is not closing on opposite.

    Plus did you get to look at the the request to have the top line(TF) in the 4 TF Heiken Ashi Arrows to be used as a filter for opening and closing trades. Or was that a not possible?

    Attached Files:

  13. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    if you put again a external LINK for your SET File.. I will report this art of SPAM ... that is against the forum rule..
    many users have warned you.. it is enough now majidlovio.. that is the last time.. if you want share.. OK... else leve that
    • Like Like x 2
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  14. anhanh22

    anhanh22 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    no mq4 file, can't edit
  15. joao2010089

    joao2010089 New Member

    Ref Point
    What is the configuration you are using
    which version of the Super arrow
  16. BluePanther

    BluePanther Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi friends and Mr Tanaka,

    I am using Super Arrows Indicator, and every day I get this problem on my Real ECN account.
    I am testing Kris' hedging strategy.

    How do I fix this please?
    Is this a bug?



    Last edited: 07 Jun 2019
  17. BluePanther

    BluePanther Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I can't download your setfile - your website is spam or malicious and my browser blocks it.
    Please attach setfile here in the forum.
    Last edited: 07 Jun 2019
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  18. Alex82

    Alex82 New Member

    Ref Point
    I have the same problem. The EA seems promising but has a bug.
  19. naufil23

    naufil23 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  20. RC6118

    RC6118 New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bro, please share your setting, thanks.

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