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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. vanthu

    vanthu Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

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  2. alaakenanah

    alaakenanah Member Credit Hunter

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  3. fenny123

    fenny123 Member Credit Hunter

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    Indicators have arrows.
  4. fenny123

    fenny123 Member Credit Hunter

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    EA is to add warehouses too much, help me optimize this and the conditions on the stage.
  5. vanthu

    vanthu Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    takana san, it still Alert, can you check, Pl.s remove it.
    thank you!

  6. Panzer4183

    Panzer4183 New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello Tanaka,

    If you have time could you make ea working on this principle. Its pure Price action, but some filters could be added. I have found some versions of it but they are full of bugs which are making strategy untradable.

    Idea is this :

    On every new H1 candle EA checks conditions on 4 time frames. Lets say its 12h.
    Buy conditions
    the 11h-12h H1 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.55-12h M5 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.45-12h M15 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.30 -12h M30 candle has to close as an up candle.

    Sell conditions are opposite.

    the 11h-12h H1 candle has to close as downcandle.
    the 11.55-12h M5 candle has to close as down candle.
    the 11.45-12h M15 candle has to close as down candle.
    the 11.30 -12h M30 candle has to close as down candle.

    If conditions are correct ea places buy/ sell stop pending order x pips from previous 1h high or low, with expiration of x minutes. If price action doesn't move x pips in x minutes, ea considers trade canceled and deletes pending

    Sl is by default is x pips below or above previous HH or LL and tp is 2x that range.( but this has to be changeable.)

    Since its a Trend break out ea adding adx or ADR could be beneficial
    (Lets say GBPUSD has 180 pips ADR in previous 10 day and we have placed minimum ADR 70 pips, so ea will place pending because current ADR is bigger then previous. If ADR in last 10 days is 40 pips, and minimum set adr is 60 pips, ea will not place pending orders).

    Standard TP, BE, TR should be added for optimization.
    Since this Strategy could be traded on all pairs, it would be good to have option to trade from one chart with 1 pair or x pairs we input (we can input 28 pairs for example).

    If all pairs are traded basket tp and sl could be beneficial.

    Thanks in advance Tanaka.
  7. fenny123

    fenny123 Member Credit Hunter

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    The last one is EA's general parameter diagram, and the first one is where the screenshot would like to be modified.

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  8. fenny123

    fenny123 Member Credit Hunter

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    EA_Jum+StoCh+v2.5F(revC)Can you share a SET file?
  9. Longnlx1601

    Longnlx1601 Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Tanaka, long time no see, please make EA for this indicator. Buy or sell when arrows appears, opposite closed, no martingale, can adjust the signal level. Thank you !

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  10. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Is this alert from super arrow indi??
    • Creative Creative x 1
  11. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sounds good!
  12. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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  13. miguel0033

    miguel0033 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr. Tanaka can be done. Thank you.
  14. cooltrade

    cooltrade Member Credit Hunter

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  15. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Yes, you need this.

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  16. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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  17. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sorry I don't understand this.
    Can you describe some picture so that I can understand clearly?
    On every new H1 candle EA checks conditions on 4 time frames. Lets say its 12h.
    Buy conditions
    the 11h-12h H1 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.55-12h M5 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.45-12h M15 candle has to close as an up candle.
    the 11.30 -12h M30 candle has to close as an up candle.
  18. cooltrade

    cooltrade Member Credit Hunter

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    Sir thank u hope i got better results from it
  19. cooltrade

    cooltrade Member Credit Hunter

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  20. Afrodeenn

    Afrodeenn Member Credit Hunter

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    Mr Tanaka please make stochastic ema ea parameters 14 3 7 buy at 15 sell at 85 no tp sl 300 point trilling 50 point

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