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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. celio melo

    celio melo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    How can you join these 4 indicators in an EA?

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  2. Program Testing

    Program Testing New Member

    Ref Point
    I've already add the Hull Moving Average filter, you can see the HMA in the chart when you backtest it with strategy tester.
    The HMA period is 21 same like your strategy.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. mrcelo

    mrcelo New Member

    Ref Point
    Alguém poderia dispor aquele EA que fecha todas as ordens dos graficos ao mesmo tempo?
  4. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear Morning i try this EA
  5. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear Bro Can you identify this indicator, this ex4 but this is good check it

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  6. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear bro Plg attach your zaman martingle this indicator : pb channal top touch zaman martingle start sell orders, down pb channal touch zaman satrts buy orders
  7. Bashier

    Bashier Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Mr tanaka san, i have quetion for EA_gann-sq-9(revC), FT to demo account EA not close profit, i try runing 5 pair but only 1 or 2 pair good and have take profit line..
    maybe you know why?

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  8. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "Vincenzo2019, post: 298102, membro: 56436"] Non ho fatto niente di che .. l'ho solo installato .. fatto il Back test su eur / usd impostando qualche parametro .. ma niente di che .. io sono li ho lasciati così come erano. Hop solo inserito il Risk Percentage a 10. [/ QUOTE]
    A me me così continua solo a vendere e non fa mai un BUY
  9. Vincenzo2019

    Vincenzo2019 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

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  10. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "Vincenzo2019, post: 298124, membro: 56436"] [/ QUOTE]
    Susa , in un precedente test avevo selezionato solo operazioni sell e mi ero dimenticato di cambiare, comunque grazie. Con il tuo set io uso capitale 3000 e fa la prima operazione con lo 0,30 quindi e giusto .
  11. Vincenzo2019

    Vincenzo2019 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ok! Fammi sapere come va.. nel caso trovassi un settaggio che regge un anno con un buon profitto e un basso DD.. fammi sapere.. Ti ringrazio.
  12. celio melo

    celio melo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr Tanaka

    I think this two indicators will work very well in an EA. You can do it for us.

    I had made this code for sometime and not enhance it anymore. This is an EA. I hope somebody can test an enhance it If you say ATR 99 pips it does make sense to me. To use this EA, please calculate your MM carefully.

    The EA behaviour:
    1. It is a martingale both side. execute buy and sell at the same time.
    2. Lot use is base on fibo sequence.
    3. Current default trade gap is 10 pips.

    double LevelBuy[13] = {0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.51,0.85,1.36,2.21,3.57}; //12 Level Buy
    double LevelSell[13] = {0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.51,0.85,1.36,2.21,3.57}; //12 Level Sell
    double LevelRecovery[13] = {0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.51,0.85,1.36,2.21,3.57}; //12 Level Recovery

    I'm using fibo sequence in the code (Some level are not really follow). perhaps it can be change to ATR level and reasonable TP.

    Edit: Since this EA do both side. TP can be hedging at profit reach level or SL for every each direction. I haven't do that yet. Please consider to have function like to get USD XXX perday, once reach EA will stop trade for that day, ADR shall have some impact.

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  13. Giorgio007

    Giorgio007 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thank you very much friend, God bless you
  14. tomas78

    tomas78 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr Tanaka,
    Can you please make EA for this indicator ?
    simple rules:
    on green buy - when yellow exit
    on red sell - when yellow exit
    Thank you!

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  15. rgd_1998

    rgd_1998 New Member

    Ref Point
    Hello Mr Tanaka,
    EA_Tanaka where can you download?
  16. Bashier

    Bashier Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Ahmad Khan, I want to try this ea, but i look magic number pair cannot be changed..
    maybe only me or you too...? cats.jpg

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. jcdmp

    jcdmp Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello my friends

    Ahmad and Tanaka, can u guys help me, today ive been having this message!

    " FFCal Error - Web page download was not complete! "

    What should i do....


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    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. ViniChelles

    ViniChelles New Member

    Ref Point
    Me too.
    Somebody have a solution?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. ViniChelles

    ViniChelles New Member

    Ref Point
    Mr. Khan,
    I did , but not work.
    Same error
  20. jcdmp

    jcdmp Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Well...been working and i have the website added there....something has changed on Forex Factory side


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