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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    No, u dont need indicator. Change all magic number.
  2. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    If second sell trade also loose?
  3. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    You can use takeprofit is zero, instead put profit dollers.
  4. omarbns

    omarbns Member Credit Hunter

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    mr tanaka can you please check why when ordre distance pips =true martignal dosent work corectly

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  5. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

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    Thank you Mr. Tanaka but if I set the TP to zero it does not have the same profit as if it were set to 10. You would need the virtual TP that only the trader can see. The broker never needs to know where our earning and closing point will be.
    Can you do this, or is it a big job? Thanks for the response.
  6. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

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  7. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

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  8. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    This logic is tp is modified everyime combined orders for breakeven + profit line , so it is difficult to do it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. DanhNPC

    DanhNPC Member Credit Hunter

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    First of all, I want to express my appreciate to your work on soehoe.
    I'm using HMA&VQ EA that you coded from the post at page 270 (link: https://soehoe.id/i-will-make-a-free-ea-with-your-indicator.t9801/page-270#post-270017)
    And I really hope that you could do a favor for me, that you please send me the source file of the EA.
    I don't want someday the EA would be outdated.
    Thank you a lot.
    Hope to have reply from you.
  10. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Thanks! So maybe we dont care abt impact news and dont have to use news filter and just leave the maxspread is 100. We will continue to do FT to see how it is going to be.
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  11. Libra khan

    Libra khan Member Credit Hunter

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    I also posted earlier that this EA will work best in news time and volatility. Instead in a trendy market, it may fail and can blow small account due to minimum step 5 by default. I am testing and monitoring various version of Zaman EA, will update after a week with results.
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  12. saidi5858

    saidi5858 Active Member Credit Hunter

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    you already got free, no time limit or other, who can change the ea outdated if the ea at your hand ?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. DanhNPC

    DanhNPC Member Credit Hunter

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    MT4 constantly update to new version, is there any case that the EA would be outdated to the newest MT4 version, unless you compile the source file with the newest MT4 version? Or in the worst case that MT4 would be shutdown to move to MT5? Then all ex4 would be useless to MT5.
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  14. ruthfx

    ruthfx Member Credit Hunter

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    The steps, When the EA trigger the signal and open a Trade and then IF :

    1. The Stop loss move to BE = activate Max Order = 5 (in parameter) = open new order based on template max order to the same direction
    2. Get stop out (Loss) = stop trade and wait for new signal to trade, EA in waiting mode

    So in the first, it will place only one order , if it Breakeven move the SL, also, at the same time EA add more order base on max Order, and if it is loss get stop, wait for new Signal trigger, if it is based on take profit to activate the Max Order ON , it will be too late and can be returned to loss

    Another thing, Please add --- Daily loss Target dollars (EA will stop orders and close all position if reach to the target loss & restart in next signal )-- maybe this can solve the problem

    below is the many lost order, if max order only one, and we will not catch the big move, and we will get alot of lost due to false breakout.


    bellow is when we get profit in big move


    Thank you very much for your help, I will never forget
    • Like Like x 1
  15. DARAKU

    DARAKU Member Credit Hunter

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    Can i know if this strategy has been coded? It looks very promising!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. vadvid

    vadvid Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Amir,
    Congratulation to your result! :ok::ok::ok::):):)
    Would you save your MT4 trading profile with all the pairs you use and share it as rar file?

    • Like Like x 2
  17. Rocky16

    Rocky16 Member Credit Hunter

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    This is even better one....
    you can move it around the chart as you want and input and magic # with use of trail or BE if you want. If you don't want to use trail or BE function just input very high number there like 100.000 so it will never be reached.

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  18. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

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    EURUSD Linea TP.png

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  19. fabboa

    fabboa Member Credit Hunter

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    Mr Tanaka, there is no break-even line, only a TP line that moves when the grid is created
  20. vadvid

    vadvid Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Ahmad,
    I really appreciate the effort and energy that you and Mr. Tanaka have invested in your Zaman martingale EA...so the less I can understand my BT results.
    Using your Zaman Martingale M5 March 2019.set for EU and GU after 2 month blow the account.
    (IC market ECN 1:500/ deposit $1000)

    Would you check pls. the attached files. (result, report+set file)
    Maybe there is an explanation for that.

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    • Informative Informative x 1

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