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New EA HitmanV2 - Based on Arrow Signal

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by resa2410, 28 Sep 2015.

  1. mochamad irfan

    mochamad irfan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    itu baru percobaan saya gan, maksud nya laporan aja sama sama agan Resa.
    settingan lain sih ga ada yg saya rubah, TF 5M,
  2. hermes

    hermes Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    HI, I tested all versions of Hitman and it is loser EA, don't trade it live! Blazer ea is a little bit better but dangerous too. XAaron EA is safest but you need $500 equity per pair! If you touch a margin do opposite trades until you get DD down. The EA Profit v11 and v12 are expired and we should contact author! He wants to milk you although it should be for free. Hypocrites!
    Cheers Hermes
    P.S. The translation from Indonesian to English on Google Translator is soooooo shitty!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Old Old x 1
  3. Deni Setiawan Putra

    Deni Setiawan Putra New Member

    Ref Point
    serius??? :D
  4. mochamad irfan

    mochamad irfan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    yaa di coba aja mas, ga ada EA yg di kasi langsung mateng tinggal makan hehehhehe
    • Like Like x 1
  5. riqi yulian

    riqi yulian Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Did you use default setting? It's 100% margin call. The creator said so himself. Never use default setting!

    Hitmas serries EA has alot of potensial. The creator wants us to find it's best setting.

    [HASHTAG]#maaf[/HASHTAG] bahasa inggris saya semrawut. :giggle:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi resa !
    I downloaded most of the Eas shared on your thread , All says Expired why ?
    can you please provide the link of working version which will not expire and mention his set file also ,
    Because I unable to understand Indonesian .
  7. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    LOL.. I already said in Indonesian language, that the free version is only V1, V2.1, and V4... I wont sell my EA nor share my others EA (V9 now).. If you want my EA, just go crack by your self, or pay programmer to make it.. Reason? Because members like you, who wanna just be feed, freely, and not willing do contribution, even try to find the setting.. Members like u, only use default setting, then blame creator if got margin call.. That means u didn't want to do hard work, didn't want to learn... :fubar:

    What u want? You want me to pay for programmers, then find best default set, then test it on my real account, and if I got margin call, you want me to think/learn again, adding something, pay again for programmer, then when all good, I give you freely? Members that doesn't contribute anything beside blaming EA creator? BIG LOL... :banghead:

    I think u're right.. Hitman EA series is a loser EA.. Maybe my HitmanV9 EA stats is not good enough for you.. :think:


    CLICK HERE to check it live at fxjunction.. FYI, I didn't hide my trade there, free to copy manually if u want, but until this Feb only, because on March I go for live acc (if it survive till end Feb'16) and I'll stop my EA from that demo acc.. :wasntme:
    Last edited: 24 Feb 2016
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    I am 100% agree with Resa :ok: , Resa is really a awesome guy who do hard work to crack market and I agree with him that what ever we share in the forum without checking the contribution and just with little tests peoples gives bad reviews and comments and they do not want to do any optimization and share best opinions to make it better.

    Resa request to you please accept the apology from me for such type of peoples and kindly post the ea for your fans include me to have some tests and cooperation. :ok:
    Kindly ignore abusive posts.:punch:
    Last edited: 25 Feb 2016
  9. Rizarma

    Rizarma Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    gan resa, yg di fxjunction itu hitman v9 apa millipede (manual)?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. spainguy74

    spainguy74 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    where can i get download hitman v9? how impssoibe 13 days start $4000 go to $million dollar...
  11. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    You cannot download that EA anymore , As resa is not going to share it at this forum and if he do that can be expiry version :ok:
    Now he is also doing same what others do that after getting good resources they forget their friends :cry:.
    Now Resa is Invisible from many days as he will not support us :smoke:.
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  12. Muhammad Nevy

    Muhammad Nevy New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Saya suka v3 lightnya juoss
  13. spainguy74

    spainguy74 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    thank you for that... i didnt kow that...
    • Creative Creative x 1
  14. Pedro Miguel Brandao

    Pedro Miguel Brandao New Member

    Ref Point
  15. marcopq

    marcopq New Member

    Ref Point
    Precisas Pedro?
  16. Ruhartonorudi

    Ruhartonorudi Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Nitip Boss ....
  17. GAINfaciles

    GAINfaciles New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    To all the people who do not believe in Mr. RESI 2410 ...
    I said: Well done and congratulations for the work you are doing sir.

    And to silence all the bad language ... look:

    bandicam 2016-03-05 00-48-58-189.jpg

    It's true this is not Hitman V9 ... but of the same family
    This is a man is lord !!!!

    Continued like that Mr. RESA 2410:ok::clap::clap::ok:
    eh bad language yet looked like this:
    bandicam 2016-03-05 01-09-39-600.jpg
    Merci Monsieur resa2410
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. awidodo

    awidodo New Member

    Ref Point
    Pakai pakai versi yang mana ini gan?
  19. Dannytkk

    Dannytkk Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi resa , what happen is this?

    Attached Files:

  20. cmhoahongxanh

    cmhoahongxanh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Could you share me your Set?

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