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Suggestion Performing forex tool no DDl

Here at work there are two monitors of different sizes, I have the same problem as you.
Mine is 1600 x 900
To solve this, the monitor resolution must be 1920 x 1080 and all pairs will appear.

I hope I helped you and anyone else experiencing this problem.
Yes problem solved, Thank you very much Patrick :ok:
Hi everyone Guys ,let me introduce myself I am the creator of Performing forex tool.
I see that you like my tool, and you also like to use it for free.
Bravo ,do you know how many sacrifices I made to make my tool, well I am sure you don't care.
I read your messages ,you try every way to find out how it works,but unfortunately you are far away , my tool is not a currency strength meter, you are wrong and you can only use it to trade you don't need anything else.
If you would know how to use it you would have a huge potential in trading ,you want to learn once and for all , you want to make up for your theft, join my Academy I will personally teach you day by day .
we must never see all negative in the life...
one put effort in creating something like your tool (eventually really you, i dont know you) but many people or the community gave their knowhow too , to can optimize or create this tool, also is it thanks to many people that something is at the end born...

it is like saying.. thank to me captain, the ship is always going well... WRONG!!!! a captain without any seamans/sailors .. is NOTHING WORTH!! that is fact!!!

In a ship... the GROUP is the real POWER!!! not the single person! .. same is for a football TEAM!!! a cristiano ronaldo cant win alone if the others members defend and pass the ball to him, so he can kick the goal...

Never forget all the people that helped one to arrive at that level...

that was my 2 cent.. :)

Have a nice day to you all
Also mister Davide Crema, if you really are him I talk in your mother language:

First of one:
vola basso, che ti troverai meglio con me! ;)

Second: You did not help me and none of you helped me. The tool does not work as you think,and I did not need your help to make it work. It works very well.
Mai detto queste cose, quindi bevi di meno e ragiona di piú

It has very precise rules that you don't know,I have very precise strategies that you don't know,nothing it says makes sense.
Mai detto, quindi non mettermi parole in bocca che non ho mai menzionato ;)

How can you afford to say that it has to be shared.
Mai detto, a quanto pare hai un problema di doppia personalitá

What kind of person are you ,you are using something that doesn't belong to you,you don't know how it works and you would also like to teach the people who created it how it works.
Mai detto, forse sarebbe ora ti trovare un dottore, sarebbe ora...

You make me laugh.
Ridere fa bene, quindi ridi che ti passa e non prendere troppo la vita sul serio, ma riconfermo il punto numero 5, trovane uno buono

Reality is another ,when you are dishonest you will never be successful in life.
Dovresti essere attento con le parole, leggo solo insulti o robe varie, forse dovresti dosare meglio le tue parole

You want to catch up, join my Academy, pay as it should be to get knowledge.
Prima cosa, non sono interessato nel al tuo sistema, tanto meno sono interessato ad una persona come te ed al tuo modo cosí arrogante

And then you can also be a blowhard on these chats. If you were silent you would look better.
Io sbruffone? Chi sta facendo spavalderia sei tu, basta leggere gl'unici 7 messaggi che hai scritto in questo forum, e si capisce che tipo di persona sei, da me puoi solo che imparare.. e bravo con il silezio saresti una persona migliore... forse! ma anche per te ce speranza, sempre prima passando dal punto numero 5 non dimenticarlo..

Tenth: Con questo ho chiuso, continua tu a dire il falso o menzogne, é mi sentiró costretto a farti bannare dal forum.. semplice :)

Ti auguro una buona giornata e buona fortuna con il tuo indicatore arcobaleno, l'unico potenziale che vedo é la cecitá con il tuo indicatore

Saluti by LoVeR ;)
After testing /comparing this Fx Tool over the last 2 + months, i like others have come to the conclusion that it is a waste of time/money.
There are better ( than this ind) available freely on the web
When said & done it is only a "fancy looking" currency/heatmap indicator
I personally have had better results with them than this Fx tool !
Hola narutopips y todos los amigos,

Es alentador escuchar sus experiencias, gracias.
En la sesión de Nueva York del mercado nocturno de ayer, la herramienta de divisas Performing mostró un gráfico que no se ajustaba al concepto de comportamiento fundamental como se explica en las notas adjuntas sobre el uso de la herramienta de divisas:

View attachment 161924

Observación: En el 3er cuadrante, el EURUSD tenía una línea azul que se movía hacia el sur, lo que indicaba que habría mucha volatilidad en la misma dirección con los pares basados en EUR en el 1er cuadrante que también se moverían hacia el sur. Sin embargo, los pares basados en EUR de EURJPY, EURNZD, EURCHF, EURGBP no mostraron este comportamiento como se indica en las notas de estrategia. Se puede argumentar que se trata de pares frontales o pares extremos más a la izquierda y, por lo tanto, son pares positivos, pero hemos visto que cuando el EURUSD es débil y se mueve hacia el sur, estos pares basados en el EURUSD también se moverían hacia el sur en otras ocasiones.

Lo que realmente sucedió
: Anoche se anunciaron datos de mercado que estaban en contra del consenso, y el dólar estadounidense se fortaleció, lo que de hecho hizo que las otras monedas, como el euro, fueran más débiles. Esto fue representado correctamente por NZDUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD para caer y USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD para moverse hacia arriba.

Por lo tanto, seguir este concepto fundamental de la herramienta de forex habría llevado a errores comerciales anoche.

Narutopips, ¿es por eso que dijiste ...."también necesitarías un muy buen medidor de fuerza..."? ¿Puede explicar más y también cómo usaría el medidor de divisas con la herramienta de divisas y evitaría esta falla aparente con la herramienta de divisas? Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. [/CITA]
Hi, all.

I have made indicator similar to Performing Forex Tools (PFT) , named Currency Movement Dashboard Indicator that more simple and powerful.
This indicator for evaluation purpose only but you can used it as full version.
This indicator solved display problem in PFT, alert system when the pair has moved toward the threshold specified, customable threshold, range, and display.
You can even rewind final result in previous days (shift) .

Enjoy, and give me some feedback. Thanks.



If you want to know the movement strength in any specific pair in multi timeframe,
i also made indicator, named Currency Movement Indicator. Just put it in any chart.

This indicator will show you the movement any pair you chose on chart in current Month, Week, and Day.
This indicator also has alert to inform you if the pair has passed the threshold (that indicate strong movement in the day).

Enjoy, and give me some feedback. Thanks.



Hi, all.

I have made indicator similar to Performing Forex Tools (PFT) , named Currency Movement Dashboard Indicator that more simple and powerful.
This indicator for evaluation purpose only but you can used it as full version.
This indicator solved display problem in PFT, alert system when the pair has moved toward the threshold specified, customable threshold, range, and display.
You can even rewind final result in previous days (shift) .

Enjoy, and give me some feedback. Thanks.

View attachment 167636
thx for the share and can you eventually explain a little bit how to use it and what kind of rules we have to respect when we take our trades? :) thx in advance
thx for the share and can you eventually explain a little bit how to use it and what kind of rules we have to respect when we take our trades? :) thx in advance

The indicator shows the range of pair movement in a day (or any TF you chose in indicator's settings).

The rule is simple.
When there's notification alert, just open position immediately (BUY/SELL according to direction of the pair movement).
TP 5-10 pips (or as you wish);
SL 50 pips.
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OK .. RR from 5:1? i hope the system has a high snipe quote :)

Try in demo account first for at least 1 week/month.
The RR might be bad but you can close manually if the pair seem change in trend direction.

I suggest you set daily target in pips around 30-50 pips.
If target has achieved, you might ignore the others alert/signal for the rest of the day.