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New EA HitmanV2 - Based on Arrow Signal

Sorry, the interpreter translated, mistakenly sent to the Russian .. :)
I agree that the broker can take action if such an EA will ruin them ..
Bad that it is impossible to quickly test ..
Thursday-Friday at eur/usd had great movement and unidirectional Advisor undergoes a huge loss. So I can not find the settings to minimize their ..
You using HitmanV2.1 and got loss? But others didnt.. and it run 24/5...
Here on Darwin demo account : http://www.myfxbook.com/members/lorenzodina/ea-hitman-v21/1390037
Real cent account Nyak Banda : https://www.fxjunction.com/profile/Nyak-Banda/H/stats
My real cent account, 5 pair : https://www.fxjunction.com/profile/resa241094/CB/stats
My demo account, 10 pair : https://www.fxjunction.com/profile/resa241094/CF/stats

rame banget disini master resa2410 .saya minta disuapin master resa. hehehe
trit ane mah sepi gan.. jauh ama trit agan, punya agan rame lapaknya.. :D
Yes. I used version 2.1 in the demo with the default settings ..
You can share file *set? You use a timeframe? :wasntme:
Thanks for the link - will be watching. :p
I only change on "ReachMoney : 0.01" and "HedgingPips : 1000" others are default.. TF M1..
Btw, what broker u use? How much spread, leverage and balance u use?
Btw, what broker u use?
Alpari 1:1000 the balance of $ 1000 .I think that the spread is not very great importance in this EA, but the account ECN
Maybe we should add some sort of filter Adviser in the same MA, which would open the strong trend in the direction of the transaction?
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[QUOTE = "resa2410, post: 47711, member: 2921"] Unlike his brother HitmanV1 based signal MA, HitmanV2 is based signal arrow.

Feature imaginable:
1. OP by arrow signal
2. Close or TP could be based signal. If using TP, then all OP has the TP respectively.
3. Martingale OP is based on the addition of the lot, not multiplication
4. OP OP martingale only when the direction of the previous one, experienced floating (with pipstep governable)
5. Close Basket, which cover the entire OP in the same direction when no signal and the target $ (Reach Money) is reached
6. Close All Basket, which closes all OP (both OP OP buy + sell) when there is a signal and Reach Money is reached

1. Enter "FS30_2014_2.ex4" into the folder "Indicator"
2. Enter "HitmanV2-FreeVersion.ex4" into the folder "Expert"

The EA can be used tuk or Demo account Real account. There is no expiration her.

Pair TF for what and how fitting this EA, please try yourself ... :)

Note: When in BT will be slow, because using the "Custom Indicator" is not innate MT4 ..

[SPOILER = "English"] Different from his brother HitmanV1 signal that based on the Supreme Court, this HitmanV2 is based on arrow signal.

Available Feature:
1. OP by arrow signal
2. Close or TP could be based signal. If using TP, then each OP have Reviews their own TP.
3. If SL activated, then each OP have Reviews their own SL.
3. Martingale OP is based on the addition of the lot, not multiplication
4. Martingale executed only when previous OP OP have negative floating (pipstep can be adjusted)
5. Close Basket, the which closes all OP on one direction if there's a signal and if the target $ (Reach Money) is Reached
6. Close All Basket, the which closes all OP (both OP OP buy + sell) if there's a signal and if Reach Money Reached.

User guide:
1. Put "FS30_2014_2.ex4" into "Indicator" folder
2. Put "HitmanV2-FreeVersion.ex4" into "Expert" folder

The EA can be used for real accounts or Demo account Real account. There is no expiration date.

For what pair and what time frame that fits for this EA, please try yourself ... :)

Note: If you do BT it will be slow, Because this EA using the "Custom Indicator" not standard MT4 Indicator .. [/ SPOILER]

[SPOILER = "view"]


Please try .. : D[/ QUOTE]

Thanks for share....
Maybe less entries would be more profitable for this strategy
That is the best result to date in the M5.
The test period 8-24 October. Drawdown is a normal - I think withstand any prolonged trends, but to do the test for at least a year - and then assert.
On M1 - I look for more stable results - will share.


Yg mau coba settingan ane, monggo..
Pair GU, TF M1, Modal 10k... Ane pake di real account mulai hari ini.. :D

Eh, ada yg salah di setting itu.. Pakai
"TS_Money : 10" >> Tertulis 100
"TS_Money Start : 10" >> Tertulis 100
gan TS_MONEY tu fungsinya apa ya??
Settingan agan Darwin
Om Darwin boleh kasih settingannya yang di Myfxbook....

Saya upload di sene aja yah, biar mgkn bisa berguna dan menjawab pertanyaan yang sama untuk yang lain.

Settingan ini dipakai dengan equity modal awal : $1000 dan leverage 1:500 di broker ECN (tipikal spread rendah).
Untuk settingan EA nya, tolong di lihat di gambar yang saya upload.

Semoga jelas dan bermanfaat. :)


  • Hitman v2.1 settingan.jpg
    Hitman v2.1 settingan.jpg
    120.7 KB · Views: 376
Alpari 1:1000 the balance of $ 1000 .I think that the spread is not very great importance in this EA, but the account ECN
Maybe we should add some sort of filter Adviser in the same MA, which would open the strong trend in the direction of the transaction?
I see.. but then I wonder why your account wiped out, while others not.. :(
About others filter is already done at HitmanV3 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/140674 :D
That is the best result to date in the M5.
The test period 8-24 October. Drawdown is a normal - I think withstand any prolonged trends, but to do the test for at least a year - and then assert.
On M1 - I look for more stable results - will share.
Thanks for testing.. Yes, BT took ages to finish, due custom indi, thats why I ask everyone do BT for it.. :(

Maaf gan semuanya, nubie mau tanya dunk,. (Masukan "FS30_2014_2.ex4" ke dalam folder "Indicator") ini dloadnya dimana yah? sya cari di threadmarks kok ngk ada.. maaf corat coret, makasi sebelumnya,.
di post #1 gan, di dalam zip forder itu..

Thanks for share....
Maybe less entries would be more profitable for this strategy
Put TF at higher TF, maybe TF 5 or more.. It will less arrow.. :)

gan TS_MONEY tu fungsinya apa ya??
Semacam Trailing Stop, tapi dalam bentuk $.. Misal : TSMoneyStart = 1, TSMoney = 2, maka ketika total opit OP $3, akan ada SL di opit $1..

nunggu yang v3 ah...:)
Klo yg V3, entah kapan di liris-nya... :D
Saya upload di sene aja yah, biar mgkn bisa berguna dan menjawab pertanyaan yang sama untuk yang lain.

Settingan ini dipakai dengan equity modal awal : $1000 dan leverage 1:500 di broker ECN (tipikal spread rendah).
Untuk settingan EA nya, tolong di lihat di gambar yang saya upload.

Semoga jelas dan bermanfaat. :)
wah dapet pencerahan set lg tinggal ganti spread & lotnya wkwk
Klo agan tulis di settingan spread-nya 1, terus ternyata spread di agan lebih dari 1, dia ga akan OP gan, atau bisa jadi close di posisi minus...
spread di set 3, di setting BT nya 30, tp udah jalan FT jg sih sbnernya wkwk
sejauh ini ga bikin gemeter :ok:
spread di set 3, di setting BT nya 30, tp udah jalan FT jg sih sbnernya wkwk
sejauh ini ga bikin gemeter :ok:
Ane lihat di myfxbook-nya agan, agan pake di UCAD ya.. Menurut ane, pair UCAD itu ganas gan.. Klo trending dia retrace-nya dikit.. Lebih baik NU klo ane sih.. Tapi ane blm BT jg sih di NU... :D
Ane lihat di myfxbook-nya agan, agan pake di UCAD ya.. Menurut ane, pair UCAD itu ganas gan.. Klo trending dia retrace-nya dikit.. Lebih baik NU klo ane sih.. Tapi ane blm BT jg sih di NU... :D
hehe gpp gan buat bahan uji coba :D
ane sih pokoknya major pair aja & yg spreadnya ga melar