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The forex market never sleeps

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum' started by Justin009, 05 Aug 2021.

  1. Justin009

    Justin009 New Member

    Ref Point
    The forex market never sleeps and this is on the grounds that action proceeds constantly and in all sides of the globe. This is built up through the three session framework, a framework which makes it feasible for traders to trade at whatever point they need, paying little heed to the time or place. I trade forex with Eurotrader as I find their organizations extraordinary. I love their low spreads and no commission.
  2. Susy Jain

    Susy Jain Member

    Ref Point
    TP Global FX is one of the top leading and secures trading broker from among broker and they give best facilities which is very rare with other brokers. I am trading very comfortably with them since the starting of my trading career. Still now I am earning money from their MT4 trading platform. Forex is the world’s best online money earning business at the present time.
    No matters where from you, no matter how much money you invest and no matter how ages you are, it is the specialty of Forex trading. Basically, Forex trading is open for everyone. Anyone can do this flexible business for earning money. Just use an android or I phone or desktop to access your trade and stay connected with Internet.
  3. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Forex market open 24/5 in a week, Saturday and Sunday the market closed, but money never sleeps.
    although the market is closed transaction currency maybe still occurs, many people may be buying and sell currency in exchangers to convert money.
  4. Joy denil

    Joy denil Member

    Ref Point
    The forex is a risky market and traders must be careful before deciding to trade in the forex market. Money management plays a vital role in a trader’s success or failure. it's so important to survive in the market. Leverage gives control to more money than they have. So, money management helps traders to manage risk and make a healthy return. I learned my money management strategy from Forex4you educational resources.
  5. Shane Mendy

    Shane Mendy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Forex is a currency trading market. Traders come to the market to earn money. But few are successful to do that. It is easy to learn and start trading. There are a lot of sources from which you can learn trading. Most brokers like Tpglobalfx offer educational material to learn to trade. I recommend new traders start trading with a demo account without investing money first. This is the best broker I have ever seen. They always help me to make consistent profit from this market. Thery are very reliable. They provide 24/5 customer support to their clients.
  6. Matius Perbesi

    Matius Perbesi New Member

    Ref Point
    That’s not entirely true. The forex market is open 24 hours a day during weekdays, but it closes on weekends .This means that there are periods of time when the market is very active and has a high trading volume, and periods of time when the market is very quiet and has a low trading volume. The most active hours are when two or more major financial centers are open at the same time, such as London and New York, or Tokyo and Sydney. These are the best times to trade forex, as you can find more opportunities and better prices. The least active hours are when only one major financial center is open, such as Sydney or Tokyo. These are the worst times to trade forex, as you can face higher spreads and slippage. And I chose Headway as my broker now because they have low spread, free swap, 0% commision
  7. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

    Ref Point
    Fasilitas yang disediakan oleh broker sangat berarti, seperti edukasi dari FreshForex yang selalu saya ikuti. Ini telah meningkatkan pemahaman saya tentang forex. Terlebih dengan mengajarkan bagaimana caranya trading di setiap sesi trading yang tersedia.
  8. andengireng

    andengireng Member

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    Apakah Anda kesulitan dalam menemukan berita fundamental atau mungkin butuh rujukan analisis yang mantap?? Jika Ya, Anda bisa mencoba membaca analisa yang diterbitkan oleh FreshForex, saya sudah mencoba dan memang hasilnya memuaskan, Anda tidak perlu lagi pusing menghadapi pasar yang kadang kurang bersahabat. Untuk itu langsung saja Anda ke sini
  9. FXOpen Trader

    FXOpen Trader Member

    Ref Point
    Forex market gives us many trading opportunities and it becomes important for us to be able to understand them and take proper advantages.

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