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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. tejas

    tejas Member Credit Hunter

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    at lot multiple change linear to multiple the result good improvement .other no change

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  2. BluePanther

    BluePanther Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Looking forward to your ideas for improvement Ahmed, however: why can other EAs be used with same Magic across many pairs and not suffer this Magic problem?
    Must be some filter in code which ensures EA does not modify the wrong pair's orders?

    I have used many similar grid-martingales (GMEAs) across multiple pairs simultaneously and never seen such a problem. How do they surmount this?
  3. BluePanther

    BluePanther Active Member Credit Hunter

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    At 123 orders, 5% martingale will surpass Linear-sequence Lot growth.
    At 41 orders, 20% martingale almost equals the sum-total Lots open, that Linear and 5% martingale reach at 123 orders!

    Linear ( + 0.01 ) :
    0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10...
    5% m ( x 1.05 ) : 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02...
    20% m ( x 1.20 ) : 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04...


    But Zaman Martin (ZMEA) lowers risk by:
    - waiting for new candle
    - minimum gap from last order of 10 pips (default)
    - filter order entries?? (eg. PSAR, MA, etc.)??
    - hedging/recovery orders at set level??

    Let us find ways to improve!


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    Last edited: 15 Mar 2019
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  4. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    This is a modified version for Zaman martingale EA.
    1. Remove unuse function from the menu
    2. Add trade timer
    3. Modified code for linear lot increment
    4. Add trailing stop for buy/sell order (not for martingale order)
    5. Change Magic# to a currency selection way.
    Can you help to find the best setting and share? I have not tested yet.:cool::ok:

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  5. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    Maybe this code is potentially usable for a basis of my ideas? Haven't tested this but maybe it will help get the ball rolling ..
  6. saidi5858

    saidi5858 Active Member Credit Hunter

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    this idea just for lot 0.01, if use lot 0.1 is different
  7. saidi5858

    saidi5858 Active Member Credit Hunter

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    can samebody calculate marty ?
    my ide dont wait close all marti
    example we flooting ten level
    level 1
    level 2
    level 3
    level 4
    level 5
    level 6
    level 7
    level 8
    level 9
    level 10
    when level 10 profit, level 10 - level 1 - level 3 = usd 3, just close marti level 10, 1 and 3.
    other level 2-9 still running and if level9 profit , level 9 - level 2 - level 4 = usd 3, just close marti level 9, 2 and 4. but still flooting next marti open level 10 again.
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  8. ruthfx

    ruthfx Member Credit Hunter

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    Saya sudah pernah minta seperti ini, tapi cuma tutup di level terakhir bahkan di tambah dengan kontrol stock dengna lot lebih rendah, jadi kalau tetap bergerak ke satu arah terus akan di bantu dengan hedging dan kalau retrace akan profit closed order yang terakhir dan kalau berbailik arah lagi maka marti yang tutup akan buka lagi, kata tanaka san sudah di kerjakan, tapi belum selesai sepertinya
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  9. Libra khan

    Libra khan Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Respected Tanaka, most of the EAs adjusts the TP's of more than one order on a certain pair to a certain amount . How do I give a manually entered order the magic number as the orders entered by the EA so that the EA will manage the manual orders as well, for this, I would request you if you can please create a buy and sell buttons for placing manual orders. The buttons can assign the magic number when they open the order OR you can make a script for manual order, that can insert a magic number. Thanks
  10. saidi5858

    saidi5858 Active Member Credit Hunter

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    ea zaman strategy make me cutlose -520usd, but superarrows and taherhassan make a profit 600, i close all
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  11. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Just BUY/SELL button on the chart? Which EA you want to add? I have never tried but let me see.
  12. saidi5858

    saidi5858 Active Member Credit Hunter

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    i buy one from malaysia people but protected with my live account, that marti like that is good, but that ea blow up my account
  13. Libra khan

    Libra khan Member Credit Hunter

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    if that button is on a chart it would be great so we can use it on any type of EA, It will be beneficial as some time we want that the EA should start and pick from a custom order having the same magic (entered manually on a Buy/sell button).
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  14. puturex

    puturex Member Credit Hunter

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    can you share the ea, TF and set file Mr Saidi
  15. ruthfx

    ruthfx Member Credit Hunter

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    please test BT
    EA keltner Channel SL 25 TF 50 BEP true (non marti) M5
  16. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    LIke this?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Libra khan

    Libra khan Member Credit Hunter

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    Yes please, place the button on left side of the chart having option to insert magic number manually
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  18. hoang123

    hoang123 Member Credit Hunter

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    Sorry saidi5858.
    Can't you share new profiles for superarrows and Tamer Hassan PRO?
    I'm testing your superarrows bb40 profiles on demo account but flooting very hight.
    Thanks so much!
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  19. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    You want to make it separate? EA magic# and manual order magic#?
  20. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    • Winner Winner x 1

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