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New EA Auto Trading Portfolio (Free EA, No Expiration)

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by autotradingportfolio, 05 Jun 2018.

  1. dafik

    dafik Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I see. OK, perfect ;-)

    Just one question. Today I have start new forward test on IC Markets, where leverage is without EU limitations. Now I use version 2.9 and I found that magic number is different than magic number written in EA parametres. Is't OK? In that case, why there is parameter magic number in EA?

    For example. On EU pair I set magic number 5001111 but EA opens trade on EU with comment 706143722..

    Thanks for your hard work.

  2. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point

    If you want your open trades to be managed by the newer EA, you should set the same base magic number to previous version. The base magic number parameter defines which pair and strategy you use. The EA has 20 built in strategies, if your trade is based on strategy number 1 the comment should be xxx001, if number 2 then xxx002, xxx is base magic number you set on EA parameter. The EA will pick the strategies automatically based on market condition.

    Best regards.
  3. bombpht

    bombpht New Member

    Ref Point
    Good result on Demo account for one month.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Attached Files:

  4. dafik

    dafik Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Probably we don't understand each other. I started with version 2.9 on new account. No historical trades before this version. And I set in this EA, for example for EU pair, magic number 5001111. As you wrote, comment in open trades should be 500111101 or 500111102 etc. Version 2.0 workes like that. But in version 2.9 there is comment 706143722,706143723 etc. There isn't any magic number like 5001111xy. This is what is strange for me..
  5. dafik

    dafik Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Maybe better picture ;-)

  6. An Ngo

    An Ngo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I think the magic number is so large so the number is overflow. Try to lower your magic number.
  7. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Hi, my apologies, I shoud've informed it since the first post.

    The base magic number must be ranged from 100 to 999.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Thank you for sharing your result, glad to see it.

    We wish you success in forex trading.
  9. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Large magic number shouldn't affect the trading result, the magic number is just not displayed correctly.
  10. NeoBatavia

    NeoBatavia Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Sedikit mau review Om autotradingportfolio .
    Untuk V3 AU lebih baik daripada V2.9 dari segi Risk Reward, tapi kalau dilawankan dengan opsi multiply di v2.9 tentu kalah performancenya.
    Tapi u V4, belum ada yang bisa mengalahkan performancenya.

    Begitu juga dengan GU, v2 jauh lebih aman dibandingkan v2.9 yang aggressive.

    Kesimpulannya, ditunggu update untuk V4 untuk semua pairnya yah Om. :ok::giggle:

    Oh iyah, Saya sempat baca diatas, kalau EA sudah running versi sebelumnya, kemudian ingin pakai versi yang terbaru, hanya perlu nyamakan magic no nya saja yah? Thanks sebelumnya.
  11. manal

    manal Member

    Ref Point
    Thank autotradingportfolio
    Nice Expert nice back test
    The Best one ATP Prototype AUDUSD 4.0 H1 from my view.
    other pairs we need Strong SL and TP with out that very risk these
    SL AND TP main factor for any strategy in fx I can't trust any Expert without that .
    we hope see other pairs like AUDUSD 4.00 like EURUSD / GBPUSD /EURGBP main pairs .
    thank you for help
  12. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Makasih pak atas reviewnya :ok::)

    Iya ini sedang dikerjakan, semoga semua lancar bisa selesai sesuai jadwal.

    Betul pak, yang penting Base_Magic_Number nya sama, disarankan 3 digit antara 100 s.d. 999, biar nggak ada masalah di tampilannya.

    Best regards.
  13. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Thank you for your feedback :ok::),

    Yes we're still working on it, please wait for it patiently.

    Best regards.
  14. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Dear traders,

    if you trades using 10 EAs simultaneously, we suggest you to set the Risk_Level to 0.1, and if you're new and unfamiliar to our EA, please use it on demo account first.

    Best regards.
  15. manal

    manal Member

    Ref Point
  16. manal

    manal Member

    Ref Point
    Back test EUR/USD V.2
    Balance 1000
    Leverage 1:200
    lot 0.01
    99.99 % Quality
    Spread 20

    Attached Files:

  17. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Thank you for sharing your result with us, we really appreciate it :ok::).

    Best regards.
  18. Jean-Leon

    Jean-Leon Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    hello guys,
    I'm interesting in this EA ATPPrototype but, for instance, I've just the version 4.0 for EURCHF and AUDUSD. For the other pairs (GBPUSD, USDCAD, EURUSD, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF and USDJPY) I just have version 2.9.
    There's no version 4.0 for these pairs ? Where can I find them ?
  19. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Please wait patiently, they're under development now :)
  20. Jean-Leon

    Jean-Leon Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello autotradingportfolio,
    I tested all the pairs on tickstory (01.01.2005 to 31.07.2018) with these parameters : balance=100.000, auto=false, lot=0.2, spread=20 and quality=99;9%.
    For each pairs, the result is very, very good... but, for each pair, there's a problem during the period 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2006... The problem consist only on bad result...
    Do you know the reason of this problem ? Sur-optimised ? Change in the market (I don't know why, but...) ? Other ?
    Thanks for your answer.

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