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( FXTM ) ForexTime.com

Discussion in 'Iklan - Advertising' started by FXTM ForexTime, 30 Aug 2016.

  1. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Start of Daylight Savings Time Trading Schedule


    Due to the beginning of Daylight Savings Time taking place on 12 March, 2017, in the USA, and 26 March, 2017, in Europe, the FXTM trading schedule will be changed in order to accommodate the time difference.

    Please refer to the tables below for the schedule of all the instruments that are subject to changes.



    *All hours are provided in EET (Eastern European Time) – Server Time in MT4.

    Please note that in the event of decreased liquidity in the market, FXTM can switch trading on low-liquidity instruments to "Close only" or can close all trading on these instruments.

    If you have any questions regarding the changes to the trading schedule please contact your dedicated account manager.

    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  2. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Seminar dan Workshop Ultimate Trading Formula di Surabaya


    FXTM Partners sukses menyelenggarakan seri seminar dan workshop populer Ultimate Trading Formula di Surabaya, Indonesia. Seminar ini digelar pada 25 February 2017 di Four Point Sheraton Hotel yang sangat bergengsi diikuti dengan Workshop 2 hari di Four Point Sheraton Hotel. Kedua acara ini dibawakan oleh Head of Education FXTM dan profesor forex kenamaan, Andreas Thalassinos dan berlangsung dengan sukses besar.




    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  3. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    FXTM Bonus & Promotions

    Semua orang sangat suka menerima hadiah, dan di ForexTime (FXTM) kami tahu bahwa Anda suka sekali mendapatkan bonus! Dalam bagian ini Anda akan menemukan informasi tentang promosi dan kompetisi perdagangan FXTM sehingga yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah hadiah yang paling sesuai bagi Anda dan mengklaimnya! Anda baru mengenal Forex atau sudah berpengalaman dalam berdagang, baru mulai dengan FXTM atau sudah lama menjadi klien, kami yakin ada bonus forex yang cocok dengan kebutuhan perdagangan Anda.



    LIVE BERLAKU HINGGA 01.11.2016

    Memperkenalkan skema cashback berkelanjutan terbaru dan revolusioner untuk trader setia kami! Loyalty Cashback FXTM mengapresiasi Anda dengan rabat tunai sungguhan yang dapat ditarik – bukan reward point atau kredit virtual – untuk setiap lot yang Anda perdagangkan dan hingga 6 bulan! Naiki lima level rabat; semakin tinggi level Anda, semakin besar rabatnya! Selengkapnya

    Switch to Forextime


    LIVE BERLAKU HINGGA 31.10.2016

    $4 untuk Setiap Lot yang Anda Perdagangkan
    Jika broker Anda terimbas oleh gejolak pasar belakangan ini, pindahlah ke ForexTime sekarang juga dan dapatkan $4 untuk setiap lot yang Anda perdagangkan. Selengkapnya

    *Berlaku hanya untuk klien baru yang berpindah dari broker lain.

    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  4. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Dapatkan MT5 versi terbaru dengan Opsi Hedging!


    Berdasarkan permintaan yang tinggi dari trader dan investor di seluruh dunia, platform trading canggih MT5 versi terbaru dari MetaQuotes kini menyediakan opsi hedging. Mulai hari ini, klien FXTM dapat mengakses platform MT5 dengan opsi hedging terbaru. Peningkatan terbaru platform ini memberi pengguna fleksibilitas dan kendali lebih tinggi atas trade mereka sehingga pengalaman trading pun menjadi semakin optimal!

    Tingkatkan trading Anda dengan fitur terbaru MT5:
    • Tersedia Opsi Hedging: Buka beberapa order Beli/Jual secara simultan dan dapatkan proteksi yang lebih baik bahkan di pasar volatil sekali pun.
    • Tipe Order Pending Tambahan: Dua tipe order baru untuk trading yang lebih hebat.
    • Kedalaman Pasar: Lihat seluruh harga Beli/Jual yang tersedia, di kedalaman dan waktu pasar real time.
    • Tab trading baru untuk Trading Satu Klik: Dapatkan akses cepat ke seluruh instrumen trading dan tempatkan trade dengan satu klik saja.
    • Penguji Strategi Canggih: Uji dan optimalkan efisiensi EA Anda sebelum menggunakannya secara live.
    • Dan masih banyak lagi.
    Tampilan MT5 yang berkelas dan antarmuka yang lebih baik memberi gaya trading yang inovatif untuk para trader ritel.Seluruh titik masuk dan keluar disorot langsung di grafik untuk menciptakan transparansi dan presisi trading yang lebih tinggi.

    Dilengkapi dengan akses lebih mendalam ke analisis teknikal dan fundamental, pengguna bisa menerima notifikasi live berita pasar penting begitu tersedia, ditampilkan langsung di grafik trader. Platform versi ini juga menyajikan serangkaian perangkat dan indikator baru yang begitu lengkap.

    Dapatkan platform MT5 versi terbaru di sini.

    Belum trading bersama broker Forex terdepan? Daftar Sekarang.
  5. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    FXTM Memperkenalkan Program Refer-a-Friend untuk Semua Klien Terdaftar


    FXTM meluncurkan program Refer-a-Friend baru yang dapat diikuti oleh seluruh klien terdaftar. Klien yang memenuhi syarat akan mendapatkan tautan referral unik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengundang teman dan kerabat bergabung di FXTM.

    Keunggulan program ini:

    • Dapatkan $25 per referral. Begitu referral seorang klien menjadi trader aktif* menggunakan tautan klien, $25 akan ditambahkan ke wallet klien tersebut.
    • Hasilkan hingga $10.000. Semakin banyak referral yang klien undang, semakin banyak penghasilan yang mengalir masuk! Sesederhana itu.
    • Kelola Referral Anda. Melalui panel khusus di MyFXTM, klien dapat memantau kemajuan dan status dana referral dan trader aktif mereka.
    Melalui bagian Refer-a-Friend di MyFXTM, FXTM juga menyediakan saran yang siap digunakan oleh klien yang kesulitan dalam berpromosi kepada segenap teman dan kerabatnya.

    Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi tim dukungan klien kami apabila Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah.

    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang dan bagikan berita ini kepada teman Anda!
  6. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    FXTM Partners’ Forex Events Are a Huge Success in Malaysia!


    On 4 March, 2017, FXTM Partners presented another successful series of Ultimate Trading Formula events in Malaysia, furthering FXTM’s reputation as one of the most prominent brokers in the region.

    A free seminar was held in Kuala Lumpur and it was followed by a series of two-day workshops; one in Port Dickson and one back in Kuala Lumpur on 5 and 7 March respectively.

    The events were presented by Professor Andreas Thalassinos, FXTM’s Head of Education, who combined his renowned teaching style with his knowledge of the markets to energise the attendees and get them in the forex spirit.

    Topics covered include:

    • Prof. Thalassinos’ presentation of his popular Ultimate Trading Formula.
    • A deeper look into the Fibonacci Retracement Indicator.
    • A guide to developing risk management habits effectively.
    • How to spot the best potential exit and entry points of a trade.
    • And much, much more!
    All three events had record attendance, with close to 300 people taking part across the three days. Feedback from guest presenters and participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many keenly anticipating the next visit from Prof. Thalassinos and FXTM Partners.

    On behalf of our affiliates and partners, FXTM thanks all those who attended and participated in these events.


    Malaysia_March_2017_Kuala-Lumpur-Malaysia_01.jpg Malaysia_March_2017_Kuala-Lumpur-Malaysia_04.jpg

    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  7. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Ultimate Trading Formula Continues Successful Run in Thailand


    The Ultimate Trading Formula educational series continues its tour, receiving great acclaim for its latest event in Thailand. FXTM Partners were in in Bangkok, from the 19 to 21 March, 2017 to host their new workshop with Professor Andreas Thalassinos, Head of Education for FXTM.

    Back by popular demand, after the successful presentation of his one-day seminar in February, he delivered his renowned Forex course at the majestic Grand Mercure hotel in central Bangkok. The 3-day workshop focussed on three particular branches of technical analysis, with each session lasting eight hours. All three major topics were tackled comprehensively and participants found them exceptionally informative.

    Topics Discussed:

    Sunday, 19 March – Day 1: Tops & Bottoms Identification

    Monday, 20 March – Day 2: Reversal Patterns

    Tuesday, 21 March – Day 3: Entry Confirmation Signals

    Like previous Ultimate Trading Formula workshops, the attendance was fantastic and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.




    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  8. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point


    Untuk Investor
    Sebuah solusi inovatif dari FXTM dengan menyediakan kemudahan akses ke pusat penggerak keuangan yaitu Pasar Forex. Ini merupakan perangkat sempurna bagi investor yang kurang memahami industri ini dan ingin menganekaragamkan portofolio keuangan mereka.

    Bersama FXTM Invest, dana yang Anda miliki dapat dioptimalkan dengan mengikuti strategi para Strategy Manager yang berpengalaman dan menggapai peluang emas di pasar paling likuid di dunia. Cara mengikuti program ini sangat sederhana, tidak perlu mengunduh, dan tersedia berbagai perangkat yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk berinvestasi dengan mudah!

    • - Kesempatan akses tanpa keahlian teknis mendalam
    • - Batasi eksposur Anda terhadap risiko kerugian dengan perangkat canggih kami
    • - Kembangkan portofolio Anda dalam pasar dengan peluang-peluang tak terbatas
    • - Pilih Manajer yang strateginya cocok dengan target dan kebutuhan Anda
    • - Dapatkan notifikasi secara langsung, setiap jam, untuk terus memantau investasi Anda
    • - Bergabung dalam program ini cukup dengan investasi sekecil $/€/£ 100
    • - Daftar dan mulai dalam hitungan menit dengan 4 langkah mudah
    • - Nikmati kontrol penuh dan akses mudah ke dana Anda kapan saja

    Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya


    Bagaimana cara mendaftar:
    1. Tentukan Manajer pilihan Anda
    2. Daftar pada FXTM
    3. Danai akun trading Anda
    4. Pantau kinerja Manajer Anda

    Daftarkan Diri Anda Di FXTM INVEST
  9. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Dan dapatkan kredit trading $30
    saat Anda beralih*

    *S&K berlaku

    switch fxtm.png

    Bergabunglah bersama ratusan ribu trader di seluruh dunia yang telah memilih FXTM sebagai broker andalan dan dapatkan kredit trading $30 sebagai bentuk terima kasih karena Anda telah memilih kami. Selesaikan registrasi Anda, buat deposit minimum dalam 30 hari, dan lejitkan trading Anda*.


    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  10. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    4 Zona - Total Hadiah $24000


    Trading & Bertanding
    Bebas Risiko dan Dapatkan Hadiah Tunai
    Kompetisi Trading Demo terbaru FXTM memberi empat kesempatan kepada trader lama dan baru untuk dapat merebut hadiah tunai di sepanjang tahun 2017. Jelajahi simulasi dunia forex dari FXTM, masuki empat Zona FX, dan uji keahlian trading Anda di Pip City, Margin Metropolis, Bid Central dan Currency Capital. awwwww.png

    Belum trading di FXTM? Daftar Sekarang!
  11. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Dan dapatkan kredit trading $30
    saat Anda beralih*

    *S&K berlaku


    Bergabunglah bersama ratusan ribu trader di seluruh dunia yang telah memilih FXTM sebagai broker andalan dan dapatkan kredit trading $30 sebagai bentuk terima kasih karena Anda telah memilih kami. Selesaikan registrasi Anda, buat deposit minimum dalam 30 hari, dan lejitkan trading Anda*.


    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  12. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Dan dapatkan kredit trading $30
    saat Anda beralih*

    *S&K berlaku


    Bergabunglah bersama ratusan ribu trader di seluruh dunia yang telah memilih FXTM sebagai broker andalan dan dapatkan kredit trading $30 sebagai bentuk terima kasih karena Anda telah memilih kami. Selesaikan registrasi Anda, buat deposit minimum dalam 30 hari, dan lejitkan trading Anda*.


    Belum trading bersama broker terdepan? Bergabunglah di FXTM sekarang
  13. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Webinars with FXTM Head of Education, Prof. Thalassinos.

    Momentum Oscillators Explained

    Date: 03.05.2017
    Time: 15:00 (GMT +3)


    FXTM’s series of educational webinars presented by our Head of Education, Andreas Thalassinos, continues with ‘Momentum Oscillators Explained’. Learn the secrets behind what makes oscillators fluctuate from one extreme to another and how to use them effectively.

    About Prof. Andreas Thalassinos

    FXTM’s Head of Education, Professor Andreas Thalassinos, is one of the world’s most respected FX educators and Certified Technical Analysts. He is known for being an authority in algorithmic trading and for developing hundreds of automated systems, indicators and trading tools used today.

    Professor Thalassinos’ educational events are tailored to all experience levels, where both beginner and advanced traders gain thorough understanding of the financial markets and a deep knowledge of market analysis. His seminars particularly emphasise the importance of trend and risk management in order to maximise earning potential.

    With his extensive knowledge, Professor Thalassinos has been revolutionising forex education for years and was awarded with the international professional certificate, MSTA by the Society of Technical Analysts (UK), CFTe and MFTA by the International Federation of Technical Analysts (USA).

    To Participate in the Webinar:

    - If you are new to FXTM, use the form on this page to Register

    - If you already have a MyFXTM account, use the form on this page to Login
    - After logging in or registering, click “Join” to participate in the Webinar of your choice.
    - Check your email inbox for the webinar link.

    Still not trading with a leading broker? Register with FXTM
  14. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point

    4 Zona - Total Hadiah $24000


    Trading & Bertanding
    Bebas Risiko dan Dapatkan Hadiah Tunai

    Kompetisi Trading Demo terbaru FXTM memberi empat kesempatan kepada trader lama dan baru untuk dapat merebut hadiah tunai di sepanjang tahun 2017. Jelajahi simulasi dunia forex dari FXTM, masuki empat Zona FX, dan uji keahlian trading Anda di Pip City, Margin Metropolis, Bid Central dan Currency Capital. [​IMG]

    Belum trading di FXTM? Daftar Sekarang!
  15. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Total Hadiah $400.000


    Saatnya Menduduki Posisi Juara di Podium
    Uji keahlian Anda dengan bertanding dengan trader dari seluruh dunia untuk memperebutkan hadiah dengan total $400.000 di Kompetisi Trading Live FX Circuits.

    Bertandinglah di 8 sirkuit dalam musim Formula 1 ini. Duduki posisi terdepan dalam papan skor dan rebut hadiah tunai di setiap putaran.


    Are you ready?


    Daftarkan Segera di FX CIRKUITS

  16. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point


    Untuk Investor
    Sebuah solusi inovatif dari FXTM dengan menyediakan kemudahan akses ke pusat penggerak keuangan yaitu Pasar Forex. Ini merupakan perangkat sempurna bagi investor yang kurang memahami industri ini dan ingin menganekaragamkan portofolio keuangan mereka.

    Bersama FXTM Invest, dana yang Anda miliki dapat dioptimalkan dengan mengikuti strategi para Strategy Manager yang berpengalaman dan menggapai peluang emas di pasar paling likuid di dunia. Cara mengikuti program ini sangat sederhana, tidak perlu mengunduh, dan tersedia berbagai perangkat yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk berinvestasi dengan mudah!

    • - Kesempatan akses tanpa keahlian teknis mendalam
    • - Batasi eksposur Anda terhadap risiko kerugian dengan perangkat canggih kami
    • - Kembangkan portofolio Anda dalam pasar dengan peluang-peluang tak terbatas
    • - Pilih Manajer yang strateginya cocok dengan target dan kebutuhan Anda
    • - Dapatkan notifikasi secara langsung, setiap jam, untuk terus memantau investasi Anda
    • - Bergabung dalam program ini cukup dengan investasi sekecil $/€/£ 100
    • - Daftar dan mulai dalam hitungan menit dengan 4 langkah mudah
    • - Nikmati kontrol penuh dan akses mudah ke dana Anda kapan saja

    Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya


    Bagaimana cara mendaftar:
    1. Tentukan Manajer pilihan Anda
    2. Daftar pada FXTM
    3. Danai akun trading Anda
    4. Pantau kinerja Manajer Anda

    Daftarkan Diri Anda Di FXTM INVEST
  17. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Webinars with FXTM Head of Education, Prof. Thalassinos.

    Support and Resistance Revealed

    Date: 17 Mei 2017
    Time: 19:00 WIB


    FXTM’s series of successful educational webinars, presented by renowned Head of Education Andreas Thalassinos, continues with ‘Support and Resistance Revealed’.. Understanding the mechanics and psychology of support and resistance is crucial for any traders looking to optimise their strategy. Join our expert, and discover everything you need to know to trade with confidence.

    By the end of this webinar you should be able to:

    • Understand the concept of support and resistance.
    • Identify tops and bottoms.
    • Comprehend traders’ psychology at support and resistance levels.
    • Trade utilising price channels and calculate minimum price targets.
    • Trade with confidence

    Language: EN

    About Prof. Andreas Thalassinos

    FXTM’s Head of Education, Professor Andreas Thalassinos, is one of the world’s most respected FX educators and Certified Technical Analysts. He is known for being an authority in algorithmic trading and for developing hundreds of automated systems, indicators and trading tools used today.

    Professor Thalassinos’ educational events are tailored to all experience levels, where both beginner and advanced traders gain thorough understanding of the financial markets and a deep knowledge of market analysis. His seminars particularly emphasise the importance of trend and risk management in order to maximise earning potential.

    With his extensive knowledge, Professor Thalassinos has been revolutionising forex education for years and was awarded with the international professional certificate, MSTA by the Society of Technical Analysts (UK), CFTe and MFTA by the International Federation of Technical Analysts (USA).

    To Participate in the Webinar:

    - If you are new to FXTM, use the form on this page to Register
    - If you already have a MyFXTM account, use the form on this page to Login
    - After logging in or registering, click “Join” to participate in the Webinar of your choice.
    - Check your email inbox for the webinar link.

    Still not trading with a leading broker? Register with FXTM
  18. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Webinars with FXTM Head of Education, Prof. Thalassinos.

    Support and Resistance Revealed

    Date: 17 Mei 2017
    Time: 19:00 WIB


    FXTM’s series of successful educational webinars, presented by renowned Head of Education Andreas Thalassinos, continues with ‘Support and Resistance Revealed’.. Understanding the mechanics and psychology of support and resistance is crucial for any traders looking to optimise their strategy. Join our expert, and discover everything you need to know to trade with confidence.

    By the end of this webinar you should be able to:

    • Understand the concept of support and resistance.
    • Identify tops and bottoms.
    • Comprehend traders’ psychology at support and resistance levels.
    • Trade utilising price channels and calculate minimum price targets.
    • Trade with confidence

    Language: EN

    About Prof. Andreas Thalassinos

    FXTM’s Head of Education, Professor Andreas Thalassinos, is one of the world’s most respected FX educators and Certified Technical Analysts. He is known for being an authority in algorithmic trading and for developing hundreds of automated systems, indicators and trading tools used today.

    Professor Thalassinos’ educational events are tailored to all experience levels, where both beginner and advanced traders gain thorough understanding of the financial markets and a deep knowledge of market analysis. His seminars particularly emphasise the importance of trend and risk management in order to maximise earning potential.

    With his extensive knowledge, Professor Thalassinos has been revolutionising forex education for years and was awarded with the international professional certificate, MSTA by the Society of Technical Analysts (UK), CFTe and MFTA by the International Federation of Technical Analysts (USA).

    To Participate in the Webinar:

    - If you are new to FXTM, use the form on this page to Register
    - If you already have a MyFXTM account, use the form on this page to Login
    - After logging in or registering, click “Join” to participate in the Webinar of your choice.
    - Check your email inbox for the webinar link.

    Still not trading with a leading broker? Register with FXTM
  19. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point
    Webinars with FXTM Head of Education, Prof. Thalassinos.

    Support and Resistance Revealed

    Date: 17 Mei 2017
    Time: 19:00 WIB


    FXTM’s series of successful educational webinars, presented by renowned Head of Education Andreas Thalassinos, continues with ‘Support and Resistance Revealed’.. Understanding the mechanics and psychology of support and resistance is crucial for any traders looking to optimise their strategy. Join our expert, and discover everything you need to know to trade with confidence.

    By the end of this webinar you should be able to:

    • Understand the concept of support and resistance.
    • Identify tops and bottoms.
    • Comprehend traders’ psychology at support and resistance levels.
    • Trade utilising price channels and calculate minimum price targets.
    • Trade with confidence

    Language: EN

    About Prof. Andreas Thalassinos

    FXTM’s Head of Education, Professor Andreas Thalassinos, is one of the world’s most respected FX educators and Certified Technical Analysts. He is known for being an authority in algorithmic trading and for developing hundreds of automated systems, indicators and trading tools used today.

    Professor Thalassinos’ educational events are tailored to all experience levels, where both beginner and advanced traders gain thorough understanding of the financial markets and a deep knowledge of market analysis. His seminars particularly emphasise the importance of trend and risk management in order to maximise earning potential.

    With his extensive knowledge, Professor Thalassinos has been revolutionising forex education for years and was awarded with the international professional certificate, MSTA by the Society of Technical Analysts (UK), CFTe and MFTA by the International Federation of Technical Analysts (USA).

    To Participate in the Webinar:

    - If you are new to FXTM, use the form on this page to Register
    - If you already have a MyFXTM account, use the form on this page to Login
    - After logging in or registering, click “Join” to participate in the Webinar of your choice.
    - Check your email inbox for the webinar link.

    Still not trading with a leading broker? Register with FXTM
  20. FXTM ForexTime

    FXTM ForexTime Member

    Ref Point

    Total Hadiah $400.000


    Saatnya Menduduki Posisi Juara di Podium

    Uji keahlian Anda dengan bertanding dengan trader dari seluruh dunia untuk memperebutkan hadiah dengan total $400.000 di Kompetisi Trading Live FX Circuits.

    Bertandinglah di 8 sirkuit dalam musim Formula 1 ini. Duduki posisi terdepan dalam papan skor dan rebut hadiah tunai di setiap putaran.



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