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New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by wisnu, 28 Jun 2015.

  1. wisnu

    wisnu Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    coba cek broker lain, ada GAP kebawah 193.07
  2. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Yg ini di Octa..

    Kalau TP seharusnya kena khan gan? tdk melihat ada slipage atau tdk.. And tdk peduli spread melebar 100 pips jg khan? Atau ane salah?
  3. Cobizin

    Cobizin Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Maaf salah liat ane.. Yang Bener agan Wisnu
    Insta 193.140
  4. wisnu

    wisnu Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    kena gan TP harusnya slip page pun gak akan sampe sejauh itu. pokoknya FBS ini broker aneh deh. mknya ane dah kapok gak mau pake lagi . bisa jadi hrg di chart dan one click trading beda mkanya gak kena TP wkwkwk
  5. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Klo complain kira2 bisa tdk gan? Maksudnya ada kemungkinan menang gt..
  6. Trading Bagus

    Trading Bagus Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Wuiihhh mesti siap" angkat kaki dari fbs nih.....
  7. wisnu

    wisnu Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    kurang tau ya gan, soalnya belum pernah komplain, karena acc ane MC duluan gara2 gak kena TP.
    Biasanya Bandar banyak menangnya. ada aja alasan yg dipakai.
    EA ini sebenarnya sudah memperhitungkan kemungkinan harga koreksi yg bisa di capai TP. tinggal brokernya aja jujur apa enggak.
  8. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Td sy contact CS-nya, dia bilang :
    In case you have doubts about your orders being executed correctly, please, forward us an official claim with all information about your issue. Claims are accepted at [email protected] within two working days from the date the problem occurred.
    The Client's claim must contain:

    - Your full Name
    - Your account Number
    - Date and time of the dispute Situation
    - Ticker (number) of Dispute Order
    - Claim Description
    The Company considers a Client claim in the time period of 10 working days.
    For more information on the procedure of consideration and settlement of claims, please, read Section 8.1. of the Customer Agreement: http://static.fbs.com/upload/file/agreement/agreement_en.pdf

  9. wisnu

    wisnu Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    mudah2an sukses gan klaimnya. moga2 aja hrg bisa turun lagi dan nyentuh TP
  10. Rizarma

    Rizarma Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    hmm nunggu konfirmasi dari agan resa ah, ada kemungkinan pindah broker nih saya, gimana jadinya kalo pas kita lagi ga ngeliat/ga ngecek, bisa amblas tuh..
  11. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Iya gan, ane punya waktu 2 hari sblm dianggap tdk sah komplainnya oleh mereka.. Jadi mendingan tunggu besok, moga2 kena TP, jd tdk perlu komplain..
  12. Rizarma

    Rizarma Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    semoga kena tp ya gan, agak resah juga nih jadinya ada kejadian kaya gitu :D
    agan ada kemungkinan pindah broker?
  13. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Kemungkinan ada gan.. Mungkin ke R*b* atau F*r*xTime... Dua2nya sdh verified, cuman kemaren ane masuk f*s krn dia terima PerfectMoney... Nanti klo pindah, ane harus ubah PM ane ke fasapay dulu..

    Ane lihat broker ECN disini gan, biar kelihatan mana yg Regulated mana yg tdk : ECN-Forex-Brokers -- ini yg STP Broker .
    R*b*Forex masuk ke STP broker, regulated jg.. klo f*s masuk STP jg ECN, ter-regulasi jg..
    Last edited: 30 Jul 2015
  14. Trading Bagus

    Trading Bagus Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Agan resa2410 bagaimana sudah TP blm ? Seharusnya sudah TP nih.....
  15. adin perwira

    adin perwira Member

    Ref Point
    rekomendasi di robo meski ane ada yg pake fbs, hanya sebagai pembanding aja,
  16. rizki

    rizki Member

    Ref Point
    kalau ada yang tau, exness vs fbs mending pilih mana ya mas?
  17. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I have changed the settings and i use the set provided here, the one named "profitable"
    So far, it behaves better than all the other setups, i had so far.
    It even managed to make profit yesterday, which surprised me completely, after so many days in a row
    And even if it close down the three orders that has open now in loss, it will still be in profit.
    We will see.

    All that in a standard account.
    The thing i do not get, is that with the exact same setup, it keeps failing with the ECN account.
    Is there another setup for ECN and another for Standard accounts?
    Thank you.
  18. adin perwira

    adin perwira Member

    Ref Point
    kalo exness akun cent dibatasi lotnya, pengalaman masih mendingan exness
  19. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I have noticed that the Martingale system does not work.
    I thought i had turned it off, but the setup has the option 1, which stands for using the Martingale.
    I have turned from 1 to 2 a couple of times but nothing has changed.
    Any clues here too?
    Thank you.
  20. Fredy

    Fredy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Siang gan... dari semalam mantau neh cuma ngga bisa reply pakai hp..
    kasus nya sama kayak ane gan seperti kata agan wisnu F*S emang beda harga di chart n di one click..
    kalau menurut ane emang harga belum kesentuh gan kalau di liat dari chart yang agan shared...

    Coba aja complain dulu, biasa nya sih tetep broker ngga mau kalah...
    sebab ane sering complain dan ada aja alasana mereka untuk menang...


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