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New EA Daily_Breakout

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by wahyuhendrag, 25 Jul 2015.

  1. wahyuhendrag

    wahyuhendrag Member

    Ref Point
    Hello fxillions , have u ever been test the EA above? do you have any suggestion for the future?
  2. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    How to get Modelling Quality 90 - 99.90% ?
  3. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Try updating your MT4 History. After that you will probably, (depending on the update)
    be able to do Back Tests with 90%.
    To do that open your MT4 and go to : Tools - History Center, Search for the pair you want to update, and then click download. Wait for the download to finish and then start a new Back Test.

    If that does not work, you can use the following method for even higher results of 99.90%.

  4. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    The first step that I've done, but the results still 25%
    okey, i wanna use the second step
    Thanks :)
  5. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    No i have not tested this EA so far.
    Currently i am doing live tests on two other EA's
    But I will perform a test tomorrow with Tick Story lite and let you know about the results.
    If it is not a time consuming Back Test, i might be able to finish one now, for a couple of years back test and l let you know either way.
  6. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    These are the results from the first test that i did in a period of more than a year.
    I have used the default setup for it.
    As you can see results are not good at all.
    It just went the other way, or the wrong way if you like :)

    Attached Files:

  7. wahyuhendrag

    wahyuhendrag Member

    Ref Point
    This Strategy work in TimeFrame H1
  8. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    OK i will run a test now in 1HR time frame.
    I will post the results in a couple of minutes.

    PS. Do you want me to use the default setup for it/
  9. wahyuhendrag

    wahyuhendrag Member

    Ref Point
    before optimization, please use the default setting on it :D:ok:
  10. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is the test on 1 HR time frame, on the exact same dates.
    There is a slight improvement, but not one that will make me personally, testing this one more.
    If you think that there might be a change with another setup just give me a couple sets,
    and i will run them next time i will be online.

    Attached Files:

  11. Mispan

    Mispan Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    wuiiih ramai jg niiih,,, semoga ada settingan yg terbaik:)
  12. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I believe that if you follow the directions i have given you, in the other thread you will be able to install and run normally.
    If you still can not do it, just post there, to see if i can help more.

    In the mean time, you may want to try another broker that has better History and it is easier to accomplish :)
    Not with all brokers you will get the same history.

    Follow the first way and try Forex Time.
    I have a demo there, downloaded their history and i get results with 90% quality.
    Good luck.
  13. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Perkembangan akun saya hari ini :)

    Attached Files:

  14. wahyuhendrag

    wahyuhendrag Member

    Ref Point
    Silahkan dicoba dulu gan, sebenernya saya sudah punya settingan yang bagus. Tapi dicoba dulu lah, biar tau cara kerja EA nya :giggle:
  15. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hatur nuhun agan wahyuhendrag telah memberi saya solusi untuk hasil BT :)
    Disini saya menggunakan EA yang berbeda dengan agan Wahyu, namun tetap pada strategi PO berada pada titik Hi-Lo hari kemarin. Malahan, di EA agan wahyu saya melihat masih ada BUG dimana penempatan Pending Order tidak pada titik HighLow hari sebelumnya.

    Attached Files:

  16. wahyuhendrag

    wahyuhendrag Member

    Ref Point
    Bagus hasilnya agan mathelzard77 , setidaknya metode EA yang dipakai sama, btw punya agan sehari PO berapa kali?
  17. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hanya satu kali saja gan sehari :)
  18. sulistio

    sulistio Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bagus sekali hasilnya mas...kalau mas berkenan share ea dan set nya..mgkn bisa bermanfaat utk member lain.
    Atau rule untuk op manualnya mungkin?
  19. dezzy

    dezzy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    udah saya FT gan,dan sejauh ini hasilnya bagus:ok::ok:
    saya menganalogikan EA ini seperti SNIPER gan,OP cukup satu kali sehari,one shoot one kill...
    di padu ama EA lain asik juga,makasih gan share nya,,ane juga nungguin set terbaiknya agan
  20. mathelzard77

    mathelzard77 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    mending manual dulu deh gan sayapun masih tahap test Real, belum recomend pake EA dan manualnyapun sudah saya shared dihalaman belakang. Coba baca-baca lagi ya, kalau ada yang masih kurang paham boleh ditanyain lagi :D

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