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Brexit moment : SELL GBPUSD give me > $1,300,000.00 just in minutes

Discussion in 'Berita dan Analisa Fundamental' started by SoeHoe, 24 Jun 2016.

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  1. cmhoahongxanh

    cmhoahongxanh Member Credit Hunter

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    How long will you take for finding thousand people ? I think just split your money and send to socialVPS member accounts is the best choice :))
  2. henroo

    henroo New Member

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    This is my review for this thread:
    Amazing Forex profit i had ever seen
  3. Adam53

    Adam53 Member Credit Hunter

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    All of us here at the forum looking for a way, the idea of the Holy Grail to earn some money on the Forex. Our master SoeHoe found here such an opportunity. Within a few minutes he became a millionaire. Great respect and appreciation. I'm glad that I'm here and I can enjoy this success. Tower that everyone in life has its happy few minutes and I think that all of this ever going to happen and in my life. Let the power of optimism, faith in the success be with you always.
    Regards and good luck.
  4. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Cuma ikut menyimak saja, kalau misalnya kebagian jatah, yah diterima kalau tidak kebagian mungkin karena soehoe menetapkan aturan baru untuk memenuhi janjiya karena yang terjadi mugkin diluar perkiraan beliau , akan memberikan sebagian rejekienya kepada teman-temanya, tapi siapa sih yang gak mau duit gratis, biasanya yang gratis itu yang suka diributin hhhh
  5. Masseton

    Masseton New Member Credit Hunter

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    Dikutip dari page-54, post [HASHTAG]#1080[/HASHTAG], Kamis 30-Juni-2016, jam 12:06:
    Syiksyik hasyiik.. minggu ini..
    Ngelihat banyaknya orang yang harus dibagi, ya awal pembagian bisa dimulai this week.. akan selesai sd sebulan habis lebaran juga nggak apa-apa, asal yang komen.. terutama yang ada di forum ini semua bisa ikut kebagian dan ikut bersyukur atas 'hari kemenangan besar' pak Soehoe.

    Semoga dari posting saya di hari Minggu, tgl 26-Juni-2016 jam 11:54 di page-42, post [HASHTAG]#824[/HASHTAG], bisa ikut mendapatkan bagian, hehehehe
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Giri Errik Sandie

    Giri Errik Sandie New Member

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    Lebih baik dibagikan dalam jumlah kecil tapi banyak yang dapet, daripada besar tapi cuma segelintir orang yang dapetnya
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  7. Jacky-fx

    Jacky-fx Active Member Pioneer

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    yang ada dalam pikiran saya bukan kapan saya dapat atau apakah saya dapat...tp gimana cara nge distribusiin itu duit ke 1000 an orang?...pastinya pegel dah
  8. ardi saja

    ardi saja New Member

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    Jadi rame hahahha masalah uang sih, btw skrg jadi model undian ya hoho ga pernah menang undian saya...

    Soehoe klo saya ga kebagian duit gpp...bagi aja caranya biar dapet duit sendiri hahahah
  9. imron rosyidi

    imron rosyidi New Member

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    betul om... semoga aja bisa di WD
  10. +10pips

    +10pips New Member

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    Kok belum ada update-annya dari TS yah :)
  11. Bigboys

    Bigboys New Member Credit Hunter

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    terimakasih soehoe ,,,,yang $50 sudah saya terima,,semoga berkah barokah...aamiin
  12. Rizqi Khusnul Mubarok

    Rizqi Khusnul Mubarok New Member

    Ref Point
    Jadi aturannya gmn nih ya??? Hehehe..jadi bingung...ga ngerti bahasa inggris nih SoeHoe hahhahaa.....
  13. GroundState

    GroundState New Member

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    Selamat untuk closing jumlah besarnya. Terima kasih juga pada admin SoeHoe yang sudah mau berniat membagikan rezeki nya juga :)
  14. bill watson

    bill watson New Member

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    The thread continues to be open long after Brexit. Doesn't make sense. Let's see if the moderator will provide the $1000 each promised. :)
  15. erekit

    erekit New Member

    Ref Point
    risiko besar, pulangan besar

    pada harga 1.38051 masa 5:45:25 (jumla lot buka 250+250+100)
    ada 250 lot rugi pada $377,750 OpenPrice - 1.36540
    ada 250 lot rugi pada $333,750 OpenPrice - 1.36717

    margin perlu untuk buka lot dengan leverage 1:500
    pun sudah perlu $159,228 dengan 600 lot

    SoeHoe mesti big player dengan account balance lebih 2 million

    anyway, tahniah....
  16. michealkhan

    michealkhan New Member

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  17. amiez

    amiez New Member

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    wow... kalau boleh di WD, mau tahu apa brokernya boss..
  18. DANAKA

    DANAKA Member Credit Hunter

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    Udah ada yg dapet blum dan cara claimnya bagaimana ?
  19. johnny007

    johnny007 New Member

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    Ngiler gue ngelihatnya..
  20. SoeHoe

    SoeHoe Administrator Moderator

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    Final result related to this post: https://soehoe.com/brexit-moment-se...-00-just-in-minutes.t5503/page-61#post-115354

    EURUSD = 1.11224 = post 224
    GBPUSD = 1.32853 = post 853
    EURGBP = 0.83710 = post 710

    Hi abastomi, Mohd nizam, matren you are lucky. Thank you for your kind words in this thread.
    Please contact Agus Mardiyanto for further prize claim. Thank you :)

    For other users, see you next week for the next round. :ok:



    Last edited: 02 Jul 2016
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