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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by alwaysprofit, 26 Jun 2017.

  1. jiskar

    jiskar New Member

    Ref Point
    Myawbalang, mungkin karena lot size. Coba pake lot size 0.1.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. jiskar

    jiskar New Member

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    Zuper Kamikaze, terima kasih buat remindernya.
  3. makhasin

    makhasin Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Great/Mantap Jiwa....
    • Like Like x 1
  4. makhasin

    makhasin Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Result Predator.JPG

    Mantap Jiwa....

    Nomor akun : 9332155
    Server trading: : FBS-Real-9
    Password investor : e4r8c6zk6
    • Like Like x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  5. samson

    samson New Member

    Ref Point

    walau menyentuh SL tetap profit ... sudah ada trailing nya.
  6. BUBBY

    BUBBY Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    @ Bullilulli No doubt 0.15 Fixed-Lot it's less Risky than 0.6 initial running on Autolotsizing...!!! But, consider one thing: is this the real Logic behind any Martingale-System ??? >>> Nope! This is wrong, buddy! Sorry, to have to say that! Using a Fixed-Lot it's more risky, actually; Fixed-Lotsize is good for other Trading-Styles, as Following the trend with one order only ... Then what's the sense of using the Lot-Multiplier in this context ???...
    A lot of traders only know that using Martingale it's DANGEROUS because works different from other Strategies - opens orders AGAINST the trend. For sure it's better to use when the market is Ranging, not Trending - this doesn't mean to be flat - so, nobody can make any money!

    Now, let me explain! I'll make you an Example: let's consider the trading pair EurUsd; the Market is in a DOWN-Trend... and the Price will "suffer" a significant fluctuation of 40 pips... 1 Standard-Lot [Value expressed in money] = 8,50 $ [0.0001 / 1.18000 * 100000]..... Let's see what's gonna happen in our both Situations......

    Scenario 1 [...Lot-Multiplier Sets]: Max. Open Trades = 5; Dist./Step between Orders = 10 pips; Base-Lot = 0.05; Lot-Multiplier = 1.66; Auto-Lotsize = 0.0

    The EA opens Order # 1 = BUY * 0.05 Lot... after 10 pips DOWN Order # 2 = BUY * 0.08 [0.05 * 1.66] ...and so on, it will open All 5 Trades - Max. Allowed by Sets

    Scenario 2 [...Bullilulli - Sets]: Max. Open Trades = 5; Dist./Step between Orders = 10 pips; Base-Lot = 0.15; Lot-Multiplier = 0.0; Auto-Lotsize = 0.0

    The EA opens Order # 1 = BUY * 0.15 Lot... after 10 pips DOWN Order # 2 = BUY * 0.15 Lot ...and so on, it will open All 5 Trades - Max. Allowed by Sets
    OK! What now ??? If the Market still goes DOWN and we don't have enough Equity, we're f**ked up in both cases.... This is the RISK of using Martingale and we ALL must be conscious of collateral consequences... But, mostlikely, the alwaysprofit Smart-Filters will work for US and not against; so, after 40 pips Down, probably the Market 'll be in OverSold and ready to bounce back in UP-Trend....

    But, let's analyse a bit the situation of our Opened Orders right here, after 40 "Red-Pips"... because it's here the KEY of the Martingale & the use of the Lot-Multiplier...

    Scenario 1: Order # 1 > 0.05 Lot * (-)40 pips = - 2.0 Lots [ - 17,0 $] ... (-2.0 Lots * 8,50 $)
    Order # 2 > 0.08 Lot * (-)30 pips = - 2.4 Lots [ - 20,4 $] ... (-2.4 Lots * 8,50 $)
    ........................and so on!........for all 5 Orders.........

    Scenario 2: Order # 1 > 0.15 Lot * (-)40 pips = - 6.0 Lots [ - 51,0 $] ... (-6.0 Lots * 8,50 $)
    Order # 2 > 0.15 Lot * (-)30 pips = - 4.5 Lots [ - 38,25 $] ... (-4.5 Lots * 8,50 $)
    ........................and so on!........for all 5 Orders.........

    As we can see, at the same Distance in Pips far from the Order # 1 [...the First Opened Order in our sequence] - the use of the Fixed-Lot "produced" a biggest negativity/loss in our Account Equity... Just compare the relative numbers above described: -17,0 $ > -51,0 $; -20,4 $ > -38,25 $....
    And this is not all !!! In Scenario 1 , Order # 5 is BUY * 0.38 Lot ...right ??? ...That means if the Price of EurUsd moves UP just +5.2 Pips, our Martingale with Lot-Multiplier has RECOVERED the Loss of Order # 1 [...0.38 Lots * (+)5.2 pips = + 2.0 Lots [ + 17,0 $] ... (+ 2.0 Lots * 8,50 $) ...and starts the RECOVER of the others still Negative Orders [...Order # 2....]... After 10 pips in UPward Order # 4 > BUY * 0.23 Lots turns Positive and helps recovering the losses and accumulating Profits ...and so on !!!!...

    * This is the real purpose of the Martingale Trading Concept. Makes sense to you, isn't it ???

    ### In conclusion, instead of trading a Fixed-Lotsize, you should consider to "play" with the Inputs/Settings ...like Lot-Multiplier = 1.5 or 1.3 if it's too hard for you to keep the Default Set and make some Calculations for the the Base-LotSize accordingly to your Account Balance..... Hope my relation will open to you a different "optic" in setting/trading this kind of stuff......

    Also, please, see the screenshot that i've uploaded here, to this post !!!

    All the best !!!!!!


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
    • Like Like x 3
  7. suraj

    suraj Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    A greeting to all the chat and especially to Alwaysprofit!
    I've been away for a while and could not use a computer ...
    But my mt4 on VPS has always kept working.
    I had 2 accounts that operated with PredatorV.4.6 since July 1: one with liteforex and the other with FBS.
    After the July 14 issue, the liteforex account suffered heavy losses and was halted.
    The FBS (live cents) account also suffered heavy losses, (-432 on an initial budget of 1,500), but was kept active.
    On this last account (FBS) on July 17 I operated with the latest version (4.7).
    I have to say that to date the system has covered all the losses and is now in profit.

    Schermata 2017-08-13 alle 10.52.27.png
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. suraj

    suraj Member Credit Hunter

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    I think in my trading experience that lasts more than ten years, this is one of the best Expert I've ever seen and tried.

    Of course, like all such systems, I do not think I can use it as "launch and forget".

    Although the system has a good news filter, it is not without prejudice to other unforeseeable currency market problems; the self-discipline of the person and his monetary capacity are also more important (in martingale systems, money management is crucial).

    So I can only thank Alwaysprofit for this opportunity and for his work done.

    I'd like to continue collaborating with Alwaysprofit, so I'll ask him the free account, but I would like to know if the system will be sold and at what price.

    Thank you and a greeting to everyone
  9. suraj

    suraj Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Great system but above all great availability and generosity of its author, Alwaysprofit.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Fastpips

    Fastpips Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Biawak Predator V-5.1A Final
    • Like Like x 1
  11. faristamthil

    faristamthil Member Credit Hunter

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  12. faristamthil

    faristamthil Member Credit Hunter

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    Any expiry date

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  13. dadoh

    dadoh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    whitch mean "1 Name Account Trading" ?
  14. Fastpips

    Fastpips Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  15. Bullilulli

    Bullilulli Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks a lot for your complete explanation.I understand what you mean.The system is clear and you are right in any way.

    To be honest, english is not my first language and maybe thats why I explained not completely correct my idea.
    The martingale system is the idea and shall not be changed. Z`The one thing I would like to have in a parameter
    is the starting lot to have influence on the risk I take. In my example to start with 0.15 than 0.6.
    Thanks again for your reply and I hope it´s more clear now.
  16. BUBBY

    BUBBY Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Don't you worry, mate, i understand you PERFECTLY !!! I got the point: but i don't know if alwaysprofit will implement "his creature" with a Risk % function..... ?!?!?!?!? He's the only one who can decide....

    Meantime .....GREEEEENNNN PIIIIPPPSSSS to the whole SH community !!!!!!! I feel like Burt Simpson ...in his happy days ...mean ...everyday !!!!!!!!

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Koresco

    Koresco New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi everyone,
    Read most of your posts and it's really great to have someone like alwaysprofit sharing his EA for free.
    Does anyone has the copy so that I may test too?

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  18. alwaysprofit

    alwaysprofit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi brother...
    Your observations is very good..
    remember...Autolot is for auto MM based on lot size to be automatic calculation how lot to entry when first order placed, if balance growth and start early open positions ... And every balance growth $200.. Base lot automatic increase 0.01...
    So other mean if Autolot MM set to the true..
    Base lot to entry first open position will calculated automatically... And 2nd 3rd 4th so on lot keep automatic increase by Lot Multiplier...
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. alwaysprofit

    alwaysprofit Active Member Credit Hunter

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    many thanks for all participant and supporter....
    thanks for all gave my thread rates and reviews....
    happy profits...
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Threadmark: Claim Procedures

    alwaysprofit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    sample procedure requirements to claim FREE Lifetime License for 1 account trading number... begin at 20th August 2017....do not now...
    provide me details account trading and password investor and trading server... that already test used my EA....like brother makhasin
    and tell me new your REAL account trading number for licensed....
    then i will review.... send me email : [email protected]
    -------------------------- sample --------------------------
    Subject : Claim Free 1 Trading Account Number From Soehoe
    Your Name : Jhon F Keneddy
    Soehoe ID : jfk

    Here My Test
    Acc No : 123456
    Inv Pass : 123abc
    Server : Real-Server-1

    Licensed : 456321 (your new real account trading number, i will give license for this account).
    Thank you.

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