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New EA Auto Trading Portfolio (Free EA, No Expiration)

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by autotradingportfolio, 05 Jun 2018.

  1. NeoBatavia

    NeoBatavia Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Terima kasih atas pencerahannya.
  2. autotradingportfolio

    autotradingportfolio Active Member

    Ref Point
    Sama2 pak
  3. huynhson

    huynhson New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks for free share
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  4. samlox

    samlox New Member

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    Appreciate the share
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  5. zazaesr

    zazaesr New Member

    Ref Point
    Thank You to Share.

    Now i run EA V2.o While waiting EA V4.0 The remaining 4 pair.
  6. An Ngo

    An Ngo Member Credit Hunter

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    Not yet, still in DD I think we need years to have positive result :-|
  7. SimplePlan

    SimplePlan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    How did you get negative results? I backtestet a lot and had demo account running with 4.0 the last weeks and always profit.
  8. SimplePlan

    SimplePlan Member Credit Hunter

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  9. SimplePlan

    SimplePlan Member Credit Hunter

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    With thea EAs or EAs in generel? This is no scalping. This is longer term trading, I do not know, why the live results shut differ from backtests, if you do the backtest correctly. Mine are with 99%, commision, slippage and swap also. So why should there be any difference? For sure, you could never predict the future. But also if you had an EA live for 2 Month and it was good it does not gurantuee, that it will be good in the future
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  10. tradefx23

    tradefx23 New Member

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    It would be good if the profit/DD can be added on screen to show so we can monitor the DD independently for each pair, The more pairs you add the more difficult is to monitor which one is in profit and which one is loosing.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Jean-Leon

    Jean-Leon Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi tradeFX23,
    Your question is very easy to resolve : you have an indicator in your MT4 (or MT5) wich is "iExposure". You can add this indicator on a separate graph and it gives you all open positions by pair with details (buy ans sell) and amounts...
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  12. tradefx23

    tradefx23 New Member

    Ref Point
    I know about that indicator, it was just a thought. Also, if you run multiple ea's on same pairs you won't know which one is which
  13. dafik

    dafik Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    All is in this forum. It's still the same. Try to read few pages. It's not so difficult..
    Every question already was placed and already was answered. Every meaningful question.
    It's very frustrating to people who makes a lot of pictures, upload indicators and spend a lot of time with this things if you didn't read theirs comments.
    green pips for all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. tradefx23

    tradefx23 New Member

    Ref Point
    You didn't get it, but that's fine, i'm back to silence
  15. lordep

    lordep New Member

    Ref Point
    Good evening, sorry if you already asked the question but did not see it ... who is using it in real, EA makes many entries simultaneously ??!? I ask this because I'm thinking of running into a nano account at alpari to test it !! hehehehe and in the nano account we can only have up to 25 open orders simultaneously ...
  16. dafik

    dafik Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi, it was answered by autotradingportfolio few times. There is limitation in EA for maximum 20 open orders for one pair. So, maximum open orders for all 10 pairs in the same time is 200.
  17. Drolph

    Drolph Member Credit Hunter

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    It is funny that mostly the ones who are too lazy to look for their answers themselves are exactly the ones who are too poor for beeing successful in this business. Correlation at its best.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. lordep

    lordep New Member

    Ref Point
    Thanks!! ;) I do not know how it happened to me ... although my English is not the best, I always go to google to help me ... kkkkk again thanks for the clarification;) and also thank the other friend that is better than any a ...;) life will teach to help and respect the next whether he has money or not ... who least has who else gives .. (only one ...)
  19. manal

    manal Member

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    Any new paires sir ????

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