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ATB Sniper System

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by leogasup, 16 Mar 2018.

  1. Genevive

    Genevive Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Screenshot_20191002-054301.png Screenshot_20191002-054301.png Screenshot_20191002-054301.png Screenshot_20191002-054301.png Screenshot_20191001-162513.png

    Attached Files:

  2. Nikki

    Nikki New Member

    Ref Point
    Not sure, why you are mixing up with other threads. Why don’t you open your own thread. I see you duplicate this in multiple threads in this form. admin- please check
  3. Petemech

    Petemech Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    James is not mixing it up
    As you say he has the same message on several different threads
    He is obviously a scammer or works for or has financial incentive to push Fx agency advisor 3
    Also he has obviously never tried that software ( i have tried v 2 &3 ) and it is probably one of the worst trading software
    packages i have ever come across. "IF you want to empty your account quickly - Buy his "useless" software : )
  4. Allah Teh

    Allah Teh New Member

    Ref Point

    You are correct!

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