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Andrey Santin Academy

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum' started by markk, 16 Nov 2023.

  1. markk

    markk Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I'll tell you my experience.
    I heard about this elusive successful trader and I contacted one of their consultants via WhatsApp because if you ask for contact by telephone they will never call you, it would be traceable. He described to me that it is not a real bot but a copy trading on their account, through the AXI broker, with the cost of 30% of the earnings made. Copying is done through the AXI Copy trading app.
    I was enticed by one of their offers and purchased their business bot by paying €49.
    After about a month I have not received anything, I have not had any response to my request for support. I re-contacted a consultant saying that I was interested and I told him about my purchase and the waiting times and in response he told me not to worry because it doesn't depend on them but on the broker who doesn't open the accounts, good excuse also because I have contacted the broker and they have never heard of Santin. Now I'm resigned to having lost the money. STAY AWAY THEY ARE SCAMMERS.

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