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Suggestion 1000% profit, never lose your trade anymore

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by AutoProfit, 02 Mar 2017.

  1. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Yang penting hasilnya masih untung ya gan,
    semoga beruntung selalu, menjaga MM juga akan mempertahankan akun lebih tahan lama
  2. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    according to google,
    indicator is a thing, especially a trend or fact, that indicates the state or level of something.
    hanya sebagai alat yang mengindentifikasikan keadaan utk memudahkan / membantu kita dalam mengambil 1 keputusan.
    Keberhasilan trading tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan indicator, tapi ada strategy, ada MM, ada psikologi dan emosi trading.
    indicator saya masih bukan apa-apa, tapi semoga bagi yang bisa menggunakannya akan menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat besar.
    Terima kasih sudah terus memberikan dukungan, komentar, review dan saran membangun.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. taimur

    taimur Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "AutoProfit, post: 152001, member: 23962"] according to google,
    Indicator is a thing, especially a trend or fact, that indicates the state or level of something.
    Just as a tool that identifies circumstances to facilitate / assist us in taking 1 decision.
    The success of trading can not only rely on indicators, but there is a strategy, there is MM, there is psychology and emotion trading.
    My indicator is still nothing, but hopefully for those who can use it will be something of great benefit.
    Thanks for continuing to provide support, comments, reviews and constructive suggestions. [/ QUOTE]
    Untill now its all good, demo testing and all reviews BUT if market move against our positions with this indicator it will gonna be huge drawdown only that fear stopping me to use it on live....
  4. taimur

    taimur Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Untill now its all good, demo testing and all reviews BUT if market move against our positions with this indicator it will gonna be huge drawdown only that fear stopping me to use it on live....
  5. farmer

    farmer Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Wrong a gain... No... i am not gone buy this EA...I will make an EA..... hehe...
    I am already trading correlation pair for 1,5 years and no MC. But not like this STRATEGY....
    I am just testing the STRATEGY bro....
    OPEN MIND BROOOOO..........

    corr bot 1.png
    • Like Like x 1

    BUKHARI BIN HASSAN Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    UP TO YOU..lucky side hehehee
  7. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks for contributing and sharing,
    I personally see it provides new insights, but for now there has not been found more benefit using that technique. The risk is still too high.
    But I'm glad you also delivered and reminded the magnitude of the risk and potential of MC.
    Indicators that I share also does not mean there is no risk, the market will come nobody knows.
    • Like Like x 1

    BUKHARI BIN HASSAN Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    OK la semua, kepada rakan forum yang berminat sangat dengan strategy ini...indicator paling sesuai untuk digunakan bagi strategy ini ialah Jangkrik Genggong v2. anda semua boleh mencubanya dan saya rasa 99% ketepatannya. ianya betul-betul menggunakan formula kerelasi.
    Last edited: 30 May 2017
  9. Ahmad 10

    Ahmad 10 New Member

    Ref Point
    om om, ini bagusnya di menit keberapa ya taro indikatornya.
  10. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    H1 atau H4 bagus.
  11. Ahmad 10

    Ahmad 10 New Member

    Ref Point
    thx master, ijin langsung praktek
  12. Ahmad 10

    Ahmad 10 New Member

    Ref Point
    sorry diluar dr thread, numpang nanya om, ada kah yg lg online trade trus d hack ? saya sudah kejadian 3 x semenjak trading. ada saran om untuk ini.
  13. kappaforex

    kappaforex Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Traders im running this indicator across all pairs stated and various levels on a 10k account. Lots around 0.12 - 0.18 account is now at 12693 with a DD - 887.58. Take profit based on either the indicator setting all close all at 6-7 % on balance as an EA.

    Markets change daily this is why i trade manual 98% of the time using my own custom designed template. The indicator has merit no doubt but the problem is the take profit factor when the line hits zero. Many of my trades are closed with an external EA based on %.

    At this stage its still running account up 27% start 22 May 2017. Largest DD i saw was around 11% on Balance. Regards
  14. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ga pengalaman itu gan. mgkn jg password kamu msh kurang aman. lbh sering update password aja.
  15. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Perkembangan tambahan account baru:
    Hasil Trading P2P M V2 Mod.jpg
  16. Gerald van Wattum

    Gerald van Wattum New Member

    Ref Point
    What is your trading strategy in this account? I see you have one trade at one side.

    In my account I open both side sell eur / buy gbp both together. So open always one trade sell eurusd and one trade buy gbpusd when i got a signal on my eurusd chart H1 with your indicator. Always around 25+. And I close them when got both in profit when it makes some pips I'm happy with.
  17. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Yes, I also open buy and sell together. and you can make target accumulate pips to close both orders.
  18. gooddior

    gooddior Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Awesome indicator, i`ll test it
  19. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Corelation between pair, might this strategy required good experience and also understanding
    I am still like trade on one pair because easy to manage my risk on my account micro at firewoodfx now
  20. AutoProfit

    AutoProfit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Controlling 1 pair is much easier than control 2 pairs, but hedge pairs is much safer and profitable.
    Here also you don't have to worry, all are provided by signal.

    for whom want to free of stress of trading, we provide free EA with this indicator.
    Let me know privately (email is preffered) that you want to use this EA, I will provider you next steps.

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