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Suggestion Xmt

you try everything lia don't you !! :D
you looks like you need more time for your self, and for other stuff
Very true and agreed what you said but as you know world is squeezing day by day now its enough squeezed making difficult for us to live on this Now i m planning to move to another planet for this i require huge money. Somebody told me that forex is trillion dollar business, i m trying to look for trillions but it looks i will give what i have already has.
so any advice
brother all Xmt and waygrow has bad raputation in live trading, we can say just waste of time.
king of backtesting
Did you lredy trying use these ea?, so then what good ea performance with small capital if you will to share
because I m only using micro account type cent account on firewoodfx now
Did you lredy trying use these ea?, so then what good ea performance with small capital if you will to share
because I m only using micro account type cent account on firewoodfx now
this is good one if we dnt use in extremlty high volatility if we use in routine volatality its tremendous.
Hmmm you are showing version 2.522 , you shared version 2.4 and you has only 0.16 dollar commission for 45 lots? :) are you kidding me? :)
But nesta, ok it is modified but which broker gave you 0.16 dollar commission for 46 lots???
1987 you have to correct the source code...

[HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] "stdlib.mqh" // "stdlib.mqh" or "<sdlib.mqh>
[HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] "stderror.mqh"


[HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] "../Include/stdlib.mqh" // "stdlib.mqh" or "<sdlib.mqh>
[HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] "../Include/stderror.mqh"
nesta I'm testing but why you dont share the 2.522 version? I dont understand you.. your point of view
I am only willing to using small capital on account
this ea might not suitable for small capital and need huge capital only
we are all here to discuss and make things improved, yes Nesta you did excellent work to modify it and its very imporved version but plz let me clear few points may be someone will sort out and make it more safe.
1. first of all add a news filter in it and make it disable during high impact news b/c during news release all brokers play a tricky method of slippage and wider spread, so it dnt open trade in red news event.
2. it is perfect in GU during routine running of this Pair but during high volatility it became mad and opened too many wrong trades which are mostly loosing, to avoid this we should add a lower limit volatility and high limit volatility we should focus in middle volatility if it is possible to add this feature that it do not trade in high volatility believe me this is one of the best EA in this forum.

i m running in demo live account and results are great in medium volatitlity low slippage and tight spread and vice versa.
if some one add these features and share here we all will be highly thankful to this gentle man
Nesta isnt better that you modified the new version? Or is it to complex? If we can help you, we would.. let us know ... what do you need to modified the new one... the group of users make the force! :)
i found v2.522 mq4 file on another forum and i'm modify without error
and i'm modify v2.461 without error
please test on demo and share result here enjoy :ok:


Nesta isnt better that you modified the new version? Or is it to complex? If we can help you, we would.. let us know ... what do you need to modified the new one... the group of users make the force! :)
i think he use v2.522 not modified new version. we need to find best settings