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      Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA


      Active Member
      Credit Hunter
      Thread ini TS buat sebagai tempat berkumpul dan berbaginya para pengguna dan pencinta BENEFIT EA, sekilas mengenai BENEFIT EA:

      EA yang dengan type marti-hedge yang dikhususkan untuk digunakan pada pair USDJPY dengan TM M15, EA dapat di download secara bebas (100% free) di forum ini - mohon jangan lupa berikan review & rating setelah download yah :p

      myfxbook seller: real starting April 2016 dan demo
      BT disini dan info lengkap disini
      Download EA Gratis disini

      kenapa saya tertarik untuk membuat "warung kopi" ini? karena saya lihat EA ini cukup baik (menurut nubie) memiliki return yang cukup tinggi dengan drawdown yang relatif rendah (berdasarkan myfxbook seller).

      saat ini nubie sedang melakukan forward testing dan akan di update hasilnya di "warung kopi" ini, dimohon rekan-rekan juga bersedia untuk membagi pengalaman dan best setting nya disini, demi kebaikan bersama.

      rencana trading saya sbb:
      Deposit USC 7.5k (tp disiapkan dana cadangan pertama tambahan USC 5k, dana cadangan mungkin bertambah mungkin juga tidak digunakan)
      Pair USDJPY M15 dan GBPUSD M15
      Set default, hanya ganti xlot dari 1.8 menjadi 1.6
      Apabila dalam 3 bulan DD < 15%, maka kemungkinan akan saya tambah 1 pair lagi - tergantung kondisi

      untuk myfxbook, nubie akan segera buat dan di infokan disini untuk bahan review bersama juga tentunya.


      PS: mohon bimbingan agan momod - ngasqus , Trader With EA apabila ada kesalahan2 atau posting yang melanggar ketentuan forum ini, mohon masukannya yah (dijewer saja jangan di pukul yah) hehehe


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      Please do not forget to change the "auto detect 5 digit" to TRUE for those who'd like to run the EA in a 5 digit environment.

      Thank you & have a nice pips!!
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      Hi All, I am trading UJ on TF1min. Yesterday seemed a better day and profited $550 approx in around 20hrs with a draw down of 1.5%, today is slower with about $310 profit with a drawdown of 2%. Seems okay at the moment. I'll post tomorrow findings.
      Hi All, I am trading UJ on TF1min. Yesterday seemed a better day and profited $550 approx in around 20hrs with a draw down of 1.5%, today is slower with about $310 profit with a drawdown of 2%. Seems okay at the moment. I'll post tomorrow findings.
      Hi Etami,
      Can share ur setting n modal that you use it?

      guys, etamin Kifli Allstar D.Ray

      i think all of us need to recheck the input, i feel unbelievable with the results posted by some of our friend, the profit is way too high, so with mine, but then i realised that i'm using the 5 digit broker, and the setting of "auto detect 5 digit" by default is set to FALSE, and so the trading time filter, thats why the pipsteps are very tight and EA run 24/7, which (in a friendly market conditions) lead to high profit & low DD, however, if the market trend is strong and against our position we might caught in deep sh*t.

      two way to get safer set is to change the "auto detect 5 digit" to TRUE if you are using 5 digit broker and set the trading filter to true, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59

      for those who loves high risk high return, may set the "auto detect 5 digit" to FALSE if you are using 5 digit broker BUT ALWAYS set the trading filter to TRUE, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59 - minimum deep for this should no lower than 15k (prefer using cent account).

      thank you

      cc cirilo jrc74xxx fafa bibiya rich4team rida123 liaqat riqi yulian Mochamad Rizki Muhammad Nevy yudilana
      guys, etamin Kifli Allstar D.Ray

      i think all of us need to recheck the input, i feel unbelievable with the results posted by some of our friend, the profit is way too high, so with mine, but then i realised that i'm using the 5 digit broker, and the setting of "auto detect 5 digit" by default is set to FALSE, and so the trading time filter, thats why the pipsteps are very tight and EA run 24/7, which (in a friendly market conditions) lead to high profit & low DD, however, if the market trend is strong and against our position we might caught in deep sh*t.

      two way to get safer set is to change the "auto detect 5 digit" to TRUE if you are using 5 digit broker and set the trading filter to true, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59

      for those who loves high risk high return, may set the "auto detect 5 digit" to FALSE if you are using 5 digit broker BUT ALWAYS set the trading filter to TRUE, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59 - minimum deep for this should no lower than 15k (prefer using cent account).

      thank you

      cc cirilo jrc74xxx fafa bibiya rich4team rida123 liaqat riqi yulian Mochamad Rizki Muhammad Nevy yudilana

      heheh saya sebenernya sudah merasa begitu gan, karena saat di set auto detect 5 = FALSE EA'nya terihat sangat agresif banget, tapi begitu saya coba ganti TRUE EAnya lebih kalem. mungkin set yang false lebih cocok yg 4 digit :)


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      heheh saya sebenernya sudah merasa begitu gan, karena saat di set auto detect 5 = FALSE EA'nya terihat sangat agresif banget, tapi begitu saya coba ganti TRUE EAnya lebih kalem. mungkin set yang false lebih cocok yg 4 digit :)
      Iya Gan, default nya buat 4digit, tp sadis opit nya (kl jantung kuat) pakai false di 5digit :rock:
      Untuk broker 5 digit,
      Kalau "auto detect 5 digit"= false, pipstep jadi 6. Sangat riskan kalau market trending.
      Kalau "auto detect 5 digit"=true, pipstep jadi 60. Jauh amat y? :rofl:
      Hi All, I am trading UJ on TF1min. Using the default "as it comes" to see if potential. Yesterday was a little hairy got to around 35% draw down but account now at 23% profit - with only one pair. Will start altering next week of testing I think.
      Untuk broker 5 digit,
      Kalau "auto detect 5 digit"= false, pipstep jadi 6. Sangat riskan kalau market trending.
      Kalau "auto detect 5 digit"=true, pipstep jadi 60. Jauh amat y? :rofl:
      Memang default set nya 4digit dia, kalau mau main sadis hrs set trading time nya Gan
      Report 3 hari trading, +/- 8.5% growth
      SC enclosed.
      Hv a nice pips !!!


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