Silahkan dicoba, iya unlimited.Ijin cobaaa... Apa unlimited?
Iya, didesain hanya untuk GBPUSD.Apa hanya baik utk GBPUSD?
Any info on your journal to find the reason? I'm using build 1350 and it's fine.Sorry , it doesn't work at all...neither demo account nor backtest..I used all files in rar file but on MT4built 1350
apakah ea ini akan sama hasil BT dengan akun real? terimakasih sharingnya
Nah ini yang perlu dibuktikan, butuh waktu yang panjang untuk memastikan kehandalan EA ini, saya sudah siapkan di VPS modal 50$ saja buat mulai di akun real dan semoga nggak jauh beda kinerjanya dengan BT.apakah ea ini akan sama hasil BT dengan akun real? terimakasih sharingnya
I already started testing it on Tickmill real account with 100$ to see it live betterNow this is what needs to be proven, it took a long time to ensure the reliability of this EA, I have prepared a VPS with only 50$ capital to start on a real account and hopefully it won't be much different performance with BT.
yes you are right thats why i am trying it on real accountbe careful ...tickmill demo is completely different from real
ok guys my opinion why it won't work on the live market; brokers will slip pending orders execution and also stoploss hunting on trades.