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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA Silent EU or GU EA

  • This EA (and all called Silent EAs) are trading robots with no scalping, no grid & no martingale.
  • Using smart indicators, smart strategy & smart filter.
  • Automated trading which will not trade until a good chance viewed.
  • Minimum balance of 130 USD (0.01 Lot Size) is highly recommended in each trading account and on one currency pair.
  • Accepting all brokers and all account types.
  • The most known good results & lowest dd% in back tester settings are the default inputs.
  • Don't trade manually (in same account) while you are activating this EA.
  • VPS (server) is needed for activating this EA (or any EA).
  • Stop Loss + Trailing Stop & Trailing Step has added.
  • Take care!.
Bagus juga keknya dari penjelasan kalau ea sudah disematkan trailing stop, stop loss
ini berarti masih menggunakan risk manajemen untuk atur resiko, tinggal set high risk atau low risk