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Suggestion Pagaleos Byers Vs Sellers EA


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PAGALEOS Byers Vs Seller EA

Hello peoples,
first i will say that i like this community very much. I have learnd many things, test much expert advisor and indicators and so on.

Now i will give a little bit back and share my pagaleos byers vs seller ea.

This EA is so much more different than all other EA´s find here because it is a only life EA and can`t backtest. That will not mean that this EA is or can be better, but it is much differnet
So i hope that some people will come together and test him on demo accounts.

For all testers here in this thread the EA will be free for lifetime. The EA has a Expire Date but i will deaktivate this for all testers when we get good testing results.

More than 15 Years i am interesiting in trading the forex market. So many times i have backtest hundreds of expert advisor and everytime the same. The backtest results are not the same as the life results. Backtesting Strategies with very less drawdown and good results blowing some of my acoounts in life mode or doesn´t give nearly the same results.

For example Martingale: Martingale is a hell because every Forex Pair has sometimes strong trends for more than hundreds of pip. It doesn`t matter if you have many many much dollars, but with some hundres ore thousend dollars it will blowdown every account earlier or later. But Martingale can be work for people with more risk and for shorter times. That´s the reason why pagaleos Byers vs Sellers also can do martingale for all who will use it.

I will not talk to much - i think we will talking enaugh later.

This EA can worl if we find togheter a good strategie or not. We will see.

Have a nice day and everyday and it´s better to live a good life. Money is not all we need. We need friends, love and peace and something to eat.


Why this EA cannot be Back tested?
Hello NeoBatavia,

this EA don´t look for history data like other Expert Advisor. It looks in now, what happend @this moment and what is the people trend now and what are they do.
I hope you undertand what i say. This EA don´t need/use Moving Avaragers, RSI, CCI, MAC and so on.
When you Backtest, you need History Data. But every actually moment is other then the past. Nobody knows 100% what happend in 1 h, 4 h etc.

That´s why i say this EA is special and not like most other Experts.
Is that this ea can be profitable without martingale ? Just to know if i forward this one, as i have already others eas to test. Thanks
Is that this ea can be profitable without martingale ? Just to know if i forward this one, as i have already others eas to test. Thanks
Hello forexwin.
i start about 3 hours ago a new demo account on my vm-server to test my first strategy. I think test other bevor or if you have a server do it like me. Than you can do both.
Start New Demo Account to test my first strategy without martingale!


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I set the indicators from m1 to h4 to true to have the best chance of success, because of a strong trend, so why are the indicators by default not all set to true and which timeframe is recommended? martingale should also be deactivated.
Start New Demo Account to test my first strategy without martingale!

I started a demo with default settings except martingale = false

Could you please share your preset ?
Do you use Trailing Stop?

I have this error on any pairs :



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I set the indicators from m1 to h4 to true to have the best chance of success, because of a strong trend, so why are the indicators by default not all set to true and which timeframe is recommended? martingale should also be deactivated.
I started a demo with default settings except martingale = false

Could you please share your preset ?
Do you use Trailing Stop?

I have this error on any pairs :
View attachment 72214

please test this setfile i use today and tell me if you still have error.


I set the indicators from m1 to h4 to true to have the best chance of success, because of a strong trend, so why are the indicators by default not all set to true and which timeframe is recommended? martingale should also be deactivated.
if you have a strategie to make 1-3-5 pip it can be usefull to do only M1 true with 55-65 percent and also a higher timeframe, for example H4. All other timeframes false. What happend now. M1 will open quickly a trade, but only in trend from the H4 users. so higher the timeframes i see more users from trend.
It´s not so good to let start M1 alone in true, but if then with higher percent, maybe 80 or 90.
First test today after 7 hours, looks ok


  • start_new_demo_200dollar_13_feb_2019_16aClock_7hoursLater.jpg
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Same thing on 2 brokers ECN (Roboforex demo and Tickmill real) with the preset
pairs: eurusd, audusd, usjpy, gbpusd whatever the TF
is autolot true or false? perhaps there can be a problem with. it must be false and will fix it tomorrow in the morning.
i have no problems with icmarkets ecn and fbs standart acounts
is autolot true or false? perhaps there can be a problem with. it must be false and will fix it tomorrow in the morning.
i have no problems with icmarkets ecn and fbs standart acounts
I don't see autolot in the settings, orders are placed but it opens a lot of errors in the expert's log (every second, so it will crash my mt4 soon if i don't stop ea).

I will wait your fix so, thanks in advance
I don't see autolot in the settings, orders are placed but it opens a lot of errors in the expert's log (every second, so it will crash my mt4 soon if i don't stop ea).

I will wait your fix so, thanks in advance
i will wait what other user say . i do not have this errors but you can test a little bit older version from the ea. Please give reply if it works. 1 Question i have. Do you have also installed the indicator and not just the EA? Here is a little older Version without martingale and trailing, but with actually settings i have run on my server.

