sofali please read again
Maaf master moderator, anda-anda harus lebih keras menjaga postingan di forum ini agar tidak dipenuhi oleh EA sampah atau expired, sudah banyak keluhan teman2 trader saya yang baik sudah join dibawah ref saya, dan yang belum join, mereka mempertanyakan kualitas EA yang disharing disini sungguh sangat kacau dan tidak bagus, contohnya komentar teman saya,
"spertinya forum soe hu itu kacau
share ea di forum tapi kagak jalan"
Banyak orang jadi pesimis dan malas aktif disini, kurang kerjaan kata mereka... mohon perhatiannya untuk menutup atau lock semua thread yang tidak ada gunanya dan EA yang tidak jelas BT atau FT, dan tidak dilampirkan summary report. ini penting untuk menjaga kredibilitas forum soehoe ini... saya jadi malu sendiri mempromosikan forum ini diluaran, namun dicemooh oleh sebagian trader krn tidak terjaganya kualitas EA atau indikator yang disharing disini. Mohon diperhatikan masukan saya ini. untuk nama besar forum soehoe juga. Saya apalah hanya trader pemula yang masih minim ilmu. Thanks.
Actually, its work fine i mean low drawdown.Sofali, you should explain further about this EA.
Can you show us your Settings please?Actually, its work fine i mean low drawdown.
so, if EA run with low drawdown you can increase Lot size & take more advantage.
Actually, its work fine i mean low drawdown.
so, if EA run with low drawdown you can increase Lot size & take more advantage.
You can see here FT of this week.Can you show us BT or FT demo or real or can you show us summary of your MT4 report. please not just said it but proof it what you said. it better than any story you tell to us. Thanks.
Seems not suit with the title, most profitable ea, if only waste of time hence it only vain to try this ea,Already tested. Waste of time
Its a great ea mGrid
Its a great ea mGrid
Looks great. Can you explain to us. What seting do you use? Have you try this on real account? Coz you said it is the best ea. So you must have proof it on real right?
What is best TF for this ea?
Looking at your post here seems like you are using 4 currency pairs:You can see here FT of this week.
Looking at your post here seems like you are using 4 currency pairs:
Broker type = 5 digit broker ECN
Stoploss = yes
Takeprofit = yes
This EA using pending orders