GER40 1min
hello Alari,GER40 1min
only good in demo sir.GER40 1min
ganja is good for pain if you have terminal cancer ,,,, but it dumbs the brain ,,,how is it possible that at your age you still play with these copy paste of waygrow ea clones??only good in demo sir.
Sorry this not waygrow see attach pics
have u tried this on real account.
does the robot has different affect with quote digit like in the picture ?GER40 1min
no bro, the robot is same for all types of quotes, whether is xxxxx.yy, xxxxx.y or xxxxx on indices.does the robot has different affect with quote digit like in the picture ?
search carefully because there are many others better than this one placed heredoes the robot has different affect with quote digit like in the picture ?
spamersearch carefully because there are many others better than this one placed here
you dickhead are you blocking me or not???spamer
show me your result on us30 tf m1 with that amd scalper ? do you still have any ?US 30 1 mins timeframe