Random Decision Forest in Reinforcement learning - MQL5 Articles
How to use
Broker = Any broker that LOW SPREAD
recommend broker = ICMarkets.com
Pair = best pair is EURUSD
good result are GBPUSD, USDJPY
and other pair please help report result
Timeframe use : 5 minute ( or other 5 min UP, work like 15 minute timeframe)
EA require = LOW SPREAD
SPREAD = low than 1 PIPS ( low than 10 point) better
Source code
Install EA require MT4Orders - library for MetaTrader 5
EA require OPTIMIZATION before backtesting
Step by Step settting use
1. set value name "optimization_iterations" to rank 1 to 1,000,000 by step 1
2. set "MaximumRisk" to very high risk like 1 or 2 or 3
3. click start to optimization click button START
4. waiting between 5 to 15 minute (don't stop before run to 15 minute optimization)
5. or wating until generate over 1000
6. waiting untile profits "BALANCE MAX" value over 1,000,000 see on RIGHT hand and TOP of screen
7. if "BALANCE MAX" not high, stop and try again.
8. if lucky, program optimizae to high in 60 second (1 minute) (and yes, can stop at 1 minute)
9. stop when found best
10. click run backtesting
11. open folder "\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files"
12. save file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" to save place
13. if you optimization again EA wil be overwrite file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"
14. setting file is NOT on setting, setting file IS ARRAY FILE name "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" That save on common folder
settting value list
number_of_trees=50; (other value set 50 to 2000)
regularization=0.63; (try
optimization_iterations=1-1000000; (minimum may be 1000 up)
MaximumRisk=2.00; (set to very high risk at 1, 2 or 3)
CustomLot=0; (alway using 0 )
problem EA original work only on backtesting
problem EA original can not work as well
problem EA original still stop-out on live DEMO account (100% lose)
problem EA original require to modify
still LOSE on demo account
100% lose gurantee
Need help from programmer to modify for can using on live demo account
Require to programmer modify
idea modify list
1. save file optimize best optimize
2. add take profits
3. add stop loss
4. add trailing stop
5. change close algorithm (to close fast)
6. change close algorithm
and other modify that make EA can work on REAL world
(setting file)
and for user and who backtesting
please share your file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"
How to use
Broker = Any broker that LOW SPREAD
recommend broker = ICMarkets.com
Pair = best pair is EURUSD
good result are GBPUSD, USDJPY
and other pair please help report result
Timeframe use : 5 minute ( or other 5 min UP, work like 15 minute timeframe)
EA require = LOW SPREAD
SPREAD = low than 1 PIPS ( low than 10 point) better
Source code
Install EA require MT4Orders - library for MetaTrader 5
EA require OPTIMIZATION before backtesting
Step by Step settting use
1. set value name "optimization_iterations" to rank 1 to 1,000,000 by step 1
2. set "MaximumRisk" to very high risk like 1 or 2 or 3
3. click start to optimization click button START
4. waiting between 5 to 15 minute (don't stop before run to 15 minute optimization)
5. or wating until generate over 1000
6. waiting untile profits "BALANCE MAX" value over 1,000,000 see on RIGHT hand and TOP of screen
7. if "BALANCE MAX" not high, stop and try again.
8. if lucky, program optimizae to high in 60 second (1 minute) (and yes, can stop at 1 minute)
9. stop when found best
10. click run backtesting
11. open folder "\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files"
12. save file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" to save place
13. if you optimization again EA wil be overwrite file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"
14. setting file is NOT on setting, setting file IS ARRAY FILE name "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" That save on common folder
settting value list
number_of_trees=50; (other value set 50 to 2000)
regularization=0.63; (try
optimization_iterations=1-1000000; (minimum may be 1000 up)
MaximumRisk=2.00; (set to very high risk at 1, 2 or 3)
CustomLot=0; (alway using 0 )
problem EA original work only on backtesting
problem EA original can not work as well
problem EA original still stop-out on live DEMO account (100% lose)
problem EA original require to modify
still LOSE on demo account
100% lose gurantee
Need help from programmer to modify for can using on live demo account
Require to programmer modify
idea modify list
1. save file optimize best optimize
2. add take profits
3. add stop loss
4. add trailing stop
5. change close algorithm (to close fast)
6. change close algorithm
and other modify that make EA can work on REAL world
(setting file)
and for user and who backtesting
please share your file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"