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New EA Help modify fix this EA code 100 to 1000000 get million in 10days


Credit Hunter
Random Decision Forest in Reinforcement learning - MQL5 Articles

How to use

Broker = Any broker that LOW SPREAD

recommend broker = ICMarkets.com

Pair = best pair is EURUSD
good result are GBPUSD, USDJPY
and other pair please help report result

Timeframe use : 5 minute ( or other 5 min UP, work like 15 minute timeframe)

EA require = LOW SPREAD

SPREAD = low than 1 PIPS ( low than 10 point) better

Source code

Install EA require MT4Orders - library for MetaTrader 5

EA require OPTIMIZATION before backtesting

Step by Step settting use
1. set value name "optimization_iterations" to rank 1 to 1,000,000 by step 1
2. set "MaximumRisk" to very high risk like 1 or 2 or 3
3. click start to optimization click button START
4. waiting between 5 to 15 minute (don't stop before run to 15 minute optimization)
5. or wating until generate over 1000
6. waiting untile profits "BALANCE MAX" value over 1,000,000 see on RIGHT hand and TOP of screen
7. if "BALANCE MAX" not high, stop and try again.
8. if lucky, program optimizae to high in 60 second (1 minute) (and yes, can stop at 1 minute)
9. stop when found best
10. click run backtesting

11. open folder "\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files"
12. save file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" to save place
13. if you optimization again EA wil be overwrite file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"

14. setting file is NOT on setting, setting file IS ARRAY FILE name "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" That save on common folder

settting value list
number_of_trees=50; (other value set 50 to 2000)
regularization=0.63; (try

optimization_iterations=1-1000000; (minimum may be 1000 up)

MaximumRisk=2.00; (set to very high risk at 1, 2 or 3)
CustomLot=0; (alway using 0 )


problem EA original work only on backtesting
problem EA original can not work as well
problem EA original still stop-out on live DEMO account (100% lose)
problem EA original require to modify

still LOSE on demo account
100% lose gurantee

Need help from programmer to modify for can using on live demo account

Require to programmer modify
idea modify list
1. save file optimize best optimize
2. add take profits
3. add stop loss
4. add trailing stop
5. change close algorithm (to close fast)
6. change close algorithm

and other modify that make EA can work on REAL world

(setting file)
and for user and who backtesting
please share your file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"


you need to do OPTIMIZATION for get setting file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"

image may be difference because I testing multiple time

you need to press STOP optimization when found small DOT show on high BALANCE MAX

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sample report file ReportTester-50481005.html on zip file

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one useful for this EA is use for WATCH, watching for ENTERTAINMENT on VIRTUAL MODE

and other useful is watch for make Inspiration for trade

watching EA trade and MANUAL COPY TRADE,

Learning How to make money by Watching EA Trade and copy method EA Trade

one useful for this EA is use for WATCH, watching for ENTERTAINMENT on VIRTUAL MODE

and other useful is watch for make Inspiration for trade

watching EA trade and MANUAL COPY TRADE,

Learning How to make money by Watching EA Trade and copy method EA Trade

after optimized ea how to use RDFMtree file to trade wiht EA?
Copy trading is one great development technology in forex trading,
this way become a useful tool for trader newbie or investor trader to using copy trade
after optimized ea how to use RDFMtree file to trade wiht EA?

if you use trade same PC same machine that already use that RDFMtree file
if you use difference MT5, it still read same file RDFMtree store on COMMON directory

but if you move to use other PC, you need to copy from

and copy to \AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files on other PC

for easy do optimize on PC That you using, then when using on Live trade it wil read same file generate from optimization

EA not success to using Live Demo on low timeframe try high timeframe
as Oiriginal code, EA not yet success trade , it need to modify to upgrade better, willl be good
Copy trading is one great development technology in forex trading,
this way become a useful tool for trader newbie or investor trader to using copy trade

Sorry, copy trade I say not mean copy trade general on forex that duplicate order trade to other account
I mean copy idea trade that generate from EA.
Random Decision Forest in Reinforcement learning - MQL5 Articles

How to use

Broker = Any broker that LOW SPREAD

recommend broker = ICMarkets.com

Pair = best pair is EURUSD
good result are GBPUSD, USDJPY
and other pair please help report result

Timeframe use : 5 minute ( or other 5 min UP, work like 15 minute timeframe)

EA require = LOW SPREAD

SPREAD = low than 1 PIPS ( low than 10 point) better

Source code

Install EA require MT4Orders - library for MetaTrader 5

EA require OPTIMIZATION before backtesting

Step by Step settting use
1. set value name "optimization_iterations" to rank 1 to 1,000,000 by step 1
2. set "MaximumRisk" to very high risk like 1 or 2 or 3
3. click start to optimization click button START
4. waiting between 5 to 15 minute (don't stop before run to 15 minute optimization)
5. or wating until generate over 1000
6. waiting untile profits "BALANCE MAX" value over 1,000,000 see on RIGHT hand and TOP of screen
7. if "BALANCE MAX" not high, stop and try again.
8. if lucky, program optimizae to high in 60 second (1 minute) (and yes, can stop at 1 minute)
9. stop when found best
10. click run backtesting

11. open folder "\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files"
12. save file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" to save place
13. if you optimization again EA wil be overwrite file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"

14. setting file is NOT on setting, setting file IS ARRAY FILE name "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt" That save on common folder

settting value list
number_of_trees=50; (other value set 50 to 2000)
regularization=0.63; (try

optimization_iterations=1-1000000; (minimum may be 1000 up)

MaximumRisk=2.00; (set to very high risk at 1, 2 or 3)
CustomLot=0; (alway using 0 )


problem EA original work only on backtesting
problem EA original can not work as well
problem EA original still stop-out on live DEMO account (100% lose)
problem EA original require to modify

still LOSE on demo account
100% lose gurantee

Need help from programmer to modify for can using on live demo account

Require to programmer modify
idea modify list
1. save file optimize best optimize
2. add take profits
3. add stop loss
4. add trailing stop
5. change close algorithm (to close fast)
6. change close algorithm

and other modify that make EA can work on REAL world

(setting file)
and for user and who backtesting
please share your file "RDFMtreesEURUSD5.txt"

Dear Friends,
Anyone help us who is working as a Coder.
problem with backtesting with icmarkets

EA not calculate COMISSION

MT5 problem
may be has BUG on MT5, backtesting not calculate COMISSION

icmarkets problem
both demo account and real, icmarkets data feed on TICK download not provide
icmarkets account not give data commission 3.5 $USD per lot

standard account both real standard and demo standard backtesting not calculate with high spread same show on standard account, data feed using as RAW account with low spread

all it make EA calculate WRONG spread and wrong commission

result at icmarkets has a lot of profits

Recommend to try using high spread do backtesting or using real account or demo account that give data spread correct to do backtesting

and recommend to using high timeframe recommend with 15 minute up

1 minute timeframe work only icmarkets and it may be wrong
some broker work with 5 minute timeframe
so, try 5 minute and 15 minute
or 1 hour and 4 hour

I between try test 5 minute and 15 timeframe on live demo
after i made optimize on TF 15m, EURUSD(weltrade broker) and live demo. the result quite good.



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can you share complete ex5

you can compile EA from source code from you MT5 anytime by open Compile

MT5 ==> Tools ==> Metaquote Language Editor (MetaEditor)

or open program name = metaeditor64.exe
(store same on you MT5 folder)

copy EA code to folder \MQL5\Experts\

click right EA name and select Compile
waiting 30 second

Try it, it is easy

MQL5 source code is better than ex5 file, you can modify mq5 it too

you can trust source code is clean and clear (ex5 file , you don't know that inside it, some programmber can write a BUG and it need to fix)



I try to solve problem when optimize and stop to get good result file (if stop late file overwrite old result)


how it work

modify duplicate line save file RDFMtreesEURUSD15.txt to write other file by name of number optimization_iterations

after optimize DELETE all file you not to use out

Each Result you can try change buy rename file to RDFMtreesEURUSD15.txt

high recommend to use timeframe 15 minute better not use 5 minute as sample demo test image show

try see image if you not understand

again each optimize result file will be save to file with number, so you can change or use each result on backtest by change name to RDFMtreesEURUSD15.txt

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